Well-Known Member
I used soil . And the plant topped out at about 26 ". Usually the plant grows twice as high as the pot it's planted in . From my past experience
Blue Cheese is an 8-10 week strain. For me I find it just right at week 9. The longer you wait the more "couchy" the high will be. Anything sooner than 8 weeks is a no no though. I find the buds explode weeks 6 thru 8. You will kn ow what i mean when you start too look for some redening of the pistil haris and come week 8 they are still completly white right to the top! Its a long strain but worth the wait, yeilds well and tastes and smells abseloutly fantastic. It is sensitive to nutes, especially nitrogen. The leaves will claw like a rams horn befor any of the leaves show signs of nute burn so watch for that and you will be bale to catch over fert early.
I'd agree I've grown tha Barneys cheese and took it down at 8 weeks but it could ov easily have gone 9 or 10Top advise right there - particularly the bit about leaves clawing. I find that an issue with many of the Blueberry crosses - experiencing it with some Sannies Sugar Punch right now (has true blueberry sativa in it's genetics). Took me ages to discover it was connected to nitrogen - like you say, no nute burn, just leaves that look like runner beans.
Here is my BlueCheese, i got a clone on 4/29/13 and now its 6/4/13... I have aslo a NYCD from the same date. I put them outdoors on 4/30.... Is it bad for them to go this long till the sun/light changes. Oh yeah im from CNY. I keep reading that uncan veg all u want, but being outdoor I cant control the veg time???? I keep hearing 8-10 weeks flower time, can u force flower outdoors? Heremis my blue cheese