blue cheese very slow in bud


hi got blue cheese in 12/12 for almost 4 weeks now one of them is about 4ft high and 4ft wide with about 25 main heads but for the last week its almost stopped seems like it almost stopped is this normal will post some pics soon


Well-Known Member
hmm thats quite strange, plenty of power for your beast, no leaks, i doubt its sick. she might just be prepping to have some explosive bud growth. a pic might help at this point.


never grown blue cheese before got 5 white widow on the go aswell never used so much light and frist time for co2 aswell the white widow is at about the same stage of bud


Legal Moderator, Esq.
hi got blue cheese in 12/12 for almost 4 weeks now one of them is about 4ft high and 4ft wide with about 25 main heads but for the last week its almost stopped seems like it almost stopped is this normal will post some pics soon
I have a blue widow this happened to. It's been throwing pistols for 6 weeks, looks like spiderman busted a nut all over the plant, white hairs everywhere. It's finally started plumping buds. Are you seeing extra hair growth? Maybe she's just getting ready to get fat?


Well-Known Member
need more info. what you feeding it? i had a timer the little pin that hits the switch s was falling in between the switchs and goin on once and awhile.really messed them up.


Active Member
I have a blue widow this happened to. It's been throwing pistols for 6 weeks, looks like spiderman busted a nut all over the plant, white hairs everywhere. It's finally started plumping buds. Are you seeing extra hair growth? Maybe she's just getting ready to get fat?
lmfao :clap: :clap:

The Weedster

Active Member
Ive got this new shit from the coop the other day... Its called Tomato and Blossom Set Spray ..... Says it Speeds Harvest ... Increases Yield ... Will Promote Flowering and increases blossom sets..... Says its from Bonide .... Anybody ever use this... Its a foliar spray... Your suppose to wet the whole plant down maybe once or twice every two weeks... Its a natural plant hormone spray


New Member
you prob got lock out of some kind
my guess if plant is not showing any defiencies and or burning you got very low ph
are you in soil if so make a 6.5 to 7.0 water solution and flush one of your girls check your ph and ppm my guess is you be over 2000ppm and have a ph in the high 5.8 to 6.0 this has occured during your last 3 waterings where you kept giving them food but plant didnt move so you need to get everything in balance flush plants reason being once you get ph up to 6.4 n up your goin
to burn your girls bad
hope you got a ppm meter an ph meter if not well flush them real good