Blue Dram - Ice - Sour Grape - Green Crack - Mystery seed

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Hydro is the way to go, I am technically in hydro... Because it is soil-less I depend on the water to move nutrients through my plant, although I do a drain to waste because of the ability for the Coco to hold moisture, I only water once every 4-5 days


Your grow area would be great for aeroponics. There are a bunch of DIY aero systems on here and they are cheap and easy to make. You get way better yeilds, its cheaper to run(don't have to keep buying dirt), and you dont have to get rid of the dirt somewhere. its just a thought
Actually, i already have all my materials together for a 23 site aeroponics grow, im just waiting to get my hps and cloning materials together... I had mentioned my plans for this earlier in the thread
The other half of the room will be occupied by a diy aeroponics tub with 23 sites.
23 clones will be taken from the 6 plants i have veging now,
as soon as all clones are succesfully rooted and transplanted into the aeroponics tub, i will switch to 12/12 (600w hps)

so a 2x4 space will be occupied by 6 plants in 3g pots and the othe half (2x4) will be ocupied by the aero tub with 23 clones
Its a 50g rubbermaid tote, pvc piping and fittings from home depot, and the ez clone sprayers and pump from a hydro store.


Hydro is the way to go, I am technically in hydro... Because it is soil-less I depend on the water to move nutrients through my plant, although I do a drain to waste because of the ability for the Coco to hold moisture, I only water once every 4-5 days
Yea, hydro has been in my plans since i started thinking about growing, only reason i started this grow with soil is because i didnt have any equipment at all to start a grow so i just went with good ol soil, nice and simple...

as soon as i get my aero tub together ill post up some pics....

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Niiiice, my friend has an aero tub, which is where the better looking clones came from in my journal, it works great, just be sure to use plenty of h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide), and that it is completely light sealed


I havent had a chance to update the journal because theres no internet at my house right now.
Came to a buddys house today so here it is.

Last time i updated i was still using 4' floros, i have now switched to a 400w mh/hps system.

You guys wont believe it but i was lucky enough to find a xtrasun convertible 400w ballast and a 400w eye hortilux blue mh light bulb, and a 400w phillips hps light bulb ALL FOR about 75 bux on craigslist,the hps bulb is brand new and the ballast and eye hortilux were used for two crops only. They both look brand new to me.
I dont really have money for anything so i built a homemade reflector, made a homemade cloning station, a homemade tent and a homemade 14 site areo tub.

I took 15 cuttings from my 6 plants, i am new to cloning so hopefully i can get at least half of them to root, about half of them are showing signs of yellowing and the others are starting to look a little light green, its been about 8 day since i took the cuttings, they never wilted or anything they have looked real healthy up to now, i would say another week or so.

The plants are growing real fast blue dream being the fastest.

I dont have much time right now for this update but if anyone has any questions, comments, feel free:eyesmoke:

last but not least some pics....

I am gonna start flowering as soon as i get an exhaust fan, maybe a week or two.


Well-Known Member
nice addition...and'd be surprised but you can find almost anything you need on CL... my boy just picked up a 1000W setup with a convertible ballast (hood excluded like your deal) and a 1000W general electric bulb for $ you could find a fan on there too....


I got some problems with some of the leaves on the ice plant and some on the green crack. I watered last sunday with rewgular tap water because i was in a hurry, i think maybe the ph could have been a little too high and caused a nutrient lock, oorrrr maybe i need to start feeding? All the pics are attached, also included pics of other stuff i have left out. I started 12/12 today. oh and also forgot to mention i surecropped the tops on tyhe blue dream to stop vertical growth a bit. the way it has been growing im sure its gonna get big real fast.

Im gonna flush on munday with ph 5.5 water and then feed the pants with 1/4 strength nutes.

oh yeah one more question, why is the mystery seedling looking like that? ph fluctuation?



Active Member
looks like you got some water on the leaves and then they burnt. just curious as to where you ordered your green crack seeds from as i am interested in getting some!