If you seen my journal they ,started there stretch late July beginning of aug. you should be good between 6th n 13th, this strain is no stranger to me ,I know it very well, just count 9 weeks from when they started n chop, 10 weeks for a more heavy smoke,I like like it at 63 -65 days when I'm patient and got other strains that take 60 days like gods gift ,I'll take the BD to 10 weeks ,to split the trimming up when takin to 10 they do swell up a tad more N in your case SKY ,I would wait at least till Sunday b4 u chop the top nugs then chop the lowers on 6th-13 ,if u chopped some already you'll still get good smoke, I just smOked a jay of some premie weed I got when 1branch broke from tying Too much,n I'm lit loll but buds were super fluffy lol,take em to 9-10 you'll get compact buds but if I were u i wouldn't cut any till my suggested time frame