Blue Dream LED Grow


Hi All,

So this is actually my 2nd attempt at growing. My first didn't turn out so well as I used MG soil without adding perlite or the like and the pots I had them in had extremely poor drainage (practically none at all). That grow consisted of 3 different strains and most of them began to die 8 weeks into flower so I harvested what I could, roughly 4 or 5 grams from all 3. :cry:

This time around I did a little research and went with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, added roughly 20% perlite to the mix, with a single layer of rocks on the bottom to assist with drainage and put the Blue Dream Clone into a 14" container with large drainage holes. As of today I've watered it once upon transplanting, and again with a light earth juice grow nute mix 22 days later. I also fimmed it twice in different locations. It's already nearly 3x the size of my largest plant from the first attempt.

I'm using a 90w LED light on an 18/6 cycle. As of today 08/04/10 it's 27 days into veg. I plan on switching to 12/12 on 8/12/10 (35 days into veg) after flushing the soil a couple days prior. Not really sure if I should let it veg any longer than that as my grow tent is only 5ft tall, 3ft wide and 1.5ft deep.

All in all it's doing way better than the last one so I'm happy for the time being. :hump:

Not really sure what the deal is with the pics below, can't get them to stay in order or even organized????

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Was definently looking into growing with LED. Any info you can give on the LED setup would be great!


Hey I just found this, that looks like a great grow. Any more pics? What happened?
Oh man!! Totally forgot I started this thread on here. She's 10 wks into flower today, and about 4.5ft tall. I added 2 more LED floodlights Sept. 13th and I was given a 4ft Fluorescent light on October 10th, which is nice because I'm going to attempt to re-grow the Blue Dream while I'm starting a Hawaiian Haze from seed. Hoping the HH is a male so I can breed them and create my own strain. Tomorrow she's starting a water only schedule until she's ready for harvest.

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Was definently looking into growing with LED. Any info you can give on the LED setup would be great!
Not much to it. Like I said this is basically my first real grow and all I started with and probably could have finished with was a 90watt LED light from ebay and some good soil. Fox Farms Ocean forest is probably the only soil I'll use from now on because this baby is looking nice. Also fed her Earth Juice Grow during veg (1TBSB/Gal. of Distilled water) and then 1TBSP Grow and 1TBSP Earth Juice Bloom throughout at every watering since I switched to 12/12, but tomorrow she's going on a strict water only schedule until harvest. Definitely not as big as the buds in your prof pic though :-) LED's would most likely need 1 light per plant if doing more than 2 or 3 in a small space. I'm in a 1.5Ft x 3Ft x 5Ft grow tent and with keeping all my nutes, watering can, sprayer, etc. I'll be lucky to fit 2 plants in there, but it's perfect size for myself, and I think the new lights I added (see reply to Fascist Botany Enthusiast above) will definitely help with the next round.