Blue Dream LED Hempy scrog


Active Member
HSO Blue Dream
Lighthouse 240w Flowering LED
14 23w CFL Bulbs
2 42w CFL Bulbs
4 inch inline exhaust
Phat Carbon Filter
GH Flora Trio + Koolbloom
Custom PVC frame tent


Does it appear to have nutrient deficiencies because of the leaf color? 1 week into flower.. trimmed today. Its bright as hell in there


Active Member
I've been running through forums for the past week trying to determine if the LED was burning some of the leaves or the RO water I was using lacked cal, mag, and boron. Been between a couple flushes and light adjustment before being able to diagnose the problem. Stem also showed some purple color for possible P def? Not sure if the HSO should have any purple running through the growth at this stage. Possibly because of the LED? Our critical kush and berry ryder also showed the same purple lines. Temps are 65*F off, 75-80*F on


Active Member
Previous pictures were from day 6 from switch to 12/12, these are day 8 after tucking and letting some of the smaller growth reach the screen.


Been thinking about switching over to soil after heaps of time spent researching. Damn subcool giving me a completely different perspective on what growing cannabis is D:


Active Member
If it's burning. Chances are its a def not the light burning it.iis your light between like 12-18 in above thr canopy? If so, it's not the light I bet. Plus they don't really project heat down like HPS. RO has no calcium and Mag or anything. So at that stage of growth it probably needs supplementation. I use epsom with every watering. If the stem is red it's a possible P def and ourple is Mag if I remember right. So if you're showing purple, your Mag def. And rust spots look like burn spots, so it sounds like cal problem. So I'd recommend some calmag for sure man. You can run them all, or just run the lucas method like I do. I run lucas through veg and first weeks of bloom. Then start upping the P and K with a bloom booster. Then cut out thr N, and just up the P and K until you see signs of burn then dial it back.


Active Member
Im using the flora bloom, grow, micro, + floralicious, liquidkoolbloom, superthrive (was), and florablend. The micro should have more than enough of the micro. I think what happened was I diagnosed the problem as light burn, tried to remedy, and no success. Then i thought nute burn, flushed and reduced feed and brought up the defeciencies more prevalent. I just gave them a slightly more concentrated PK heavy feed but still 3/4 reccomended. The calmag visual problems haven't spread, but I think i got too caught up in thinking it was going to go back to normal. I've been way to panicky lately O.O I have to work on plant problem ID


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Color seems to be more red than it is purple. At first glance it was purple based on what I've seen before in the berry ryders


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Went out and bought some calmag just to be sure. No more problems as of lately. Growth coming in fast


New Member
Mahjeek, just wanted to give you props on your setup. For those not paying attention, this is what it means to make the best of what you got. Polished it up nice as well. Good Job on that, plus like your avatar, AoT is the shit =)


Active Member
Mahjeek, just wanted to give you props on your setup. For those not paying attention, this is what it means to make the best of what you got. Polished it up nice as well. Good Job on that, plus like your avatar, AoT is the shit =)
AoT is probably the best anime I've seen in forever O.O That moment when the titan bursts around the corner like an idiot flailing his arms... Pretty sure I lost it XD

Update Pictures after loosening up the LST after stretch + Flowers coming in. All issues have been addressed other than a little nute burn. Rebalanced ferts so it should be all good naow :)

Day 18 of Flower


Active Member
Day 26 from flip. Bulking up everyday :)


THC Bomb seeds coming in the mail Monday with some TGA bagged soil. Didnt feel like going through and making our own since its winter and the garage to our apartment isnt heated at all...... -50* in the chicago area tonight..... :'(