Blue Dream "organic" GO Box Grow


Well-Known Member
What's up guys, second time around here of my legal recreational grow(I love my state:)). Still learning. First Blue dream grow burned at the top half. Growing in cardboard box with tons of CFLs no ventilation is a big no-no.

This time I'm growing in a closet, plenty of walmart ventilation- 2 7" Turbo fans for exhaust, and a 20" box down below :mrgreen:, 250w MH in smart pot(transplanted from 6" pot right before the pics[last night]). It's still pretty ghetto, but it works. Use the recommended amount of nutes on the box. Water, feed, water, feed, etc. She's about 6 weeks old. Plan on letting her go another week before the switch to 12/12


Got two clones(and a crazy fan leaf experiment that's rooting haha ) rooted and am going to transfer tonight into $.50 walmart smarter pots :D

Let me know what you guys think. Oh, I also have a screen set up that I plant on throwing on top of the mother soon :bongsmilie:

Thanks for stopping by, keep growing RIU!


Well-Known Member

What you think guys? Should I up the nutes? Any tips/suggestions/love/hate welcomed :bongsmilie:


Well-Known Member
Got my closet lined with some 2 Faced poly. Temps are a lot better now, highest is 86F with the set up. AND not loosing light!

The clones!

Comments anyone :-|


Well-Known Member
PICS! Sorry, lost internet access for a bit guys.

These were taken this morning right before they went to sleep :)

And I'm seeing a lot of pistils on the top of the clones. They're slow, but they're growing :)


Well-Known Member
How much longer you guys thinking? Today is day 31 from the flip. I'm buying a magnifying glass tonight :)


Well-Known Member
Cleaned her up last night. Removed all dying/dead fan leaves last night.

Will switching out my 4 23w CFL to 68w. So I would be adding an extra 180 watts. Am I too late in flower? Today is day 35. Help/comments? More pics tonight :D


Well-Known Member
I'm germinating two more Skywalker beans as of right now. Gonna throw those in my veg box while I change out the closet/upgrade lighting. Super stoked!!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Lookin good! Nice and green.
I'm surprised more people are not commenting..

You should list some more stuff about your grow such as the lights your using, soil, size of pots, nutrients, and any other important things to help us follow along, I don't think I seen too much.
How much are you watering and how often, leaves cupping like that usually means signs of overwatering. I would guess another month and start looking at your trichomes, and within a couple weeks after that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, man!

I am watering whenever they go dry(according to my finger and cheapo meter[usually every other day]), and water until I see plenty runoff; about a gallon.

I started off with some left over FFOF that I had leftover from previous grow. Now it's in a 3 gallon SmartPot with 50% Ferti-Lome Growing Mix, 40% Perlite, 10% Indonesian Bat Guano. Using all GH Organics line, double the feed every other watering.

I have 250w MH up high, probably too high to even really be helping? Heat is problem with the built in ballast and no way to cool the fucker. Other than that is just four 23w CFLs, and two 68w up right above the plant. Not afraid to of that heat haha!



Well-Known Member
First I want to congratulate you gfrg888!
For being a newb you sure did pick a winner of a strain! If you have what it takes to see it through to fruition you will have some serious dankness!

As for your already asked for opinions...
get a fan! and ANOTHER!!! you already know what overheating is like and in a closet grow with a non-air cooled hood you're already running a heat risk. not to mention keep it too hot and you cut down your yields.
blue dream is sativa dom and heavy yielding. if it is a true cut of BD it can push to 9wks indoor but is worth every day of extra flowering. DO NOT cut BD early or you will miss her "FROST" that BD and most haze hybrids are so known for, besides the high.

What is your ph and ppm/ec of nutrient solution when you feed? from the looks of it you could be locking up (the claw) based on a possible ph imbalance and/or overfeeding...
if you can invest in one, a ph ppm/ec meter is a growers best friend. when you dial in your feed, the other environmental factors that are limiting (closet grow lack of lighting, ac etc) will at least be outweighed by your perfect feeding.

also to tell when they need h2o I always lift the pot, feel for the heaviness of saturated soil, this really helps a newb figure out overwatering vs underwatering (not scuba)....

great job!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks Garlic! I am gonna look into a meter soon. Any recommendations on a decently priced one?

It's def not a true clone. It's a hso feminized seed.


Well-Known Member
My only advice on a meter is stick to bluelab, as their customer service allows for immediate warranty through any store that sells them, as opposed to hanna, which you have to send in yourself and is just a pain to deal with on the retail level.


Well-Known Member
Yes definantly get some fans if your having problems with heat. Marijuana thrives in temps that are in the high 70s, so try to get your temps in there. Fans will also keep air circulating to keep your buds from rotting and molding and try to bring in fresh air too. Wish you luck, but I'd say your doing alright.
Also don't forget to measure your ph and ppms if you run into any more problems.