Blue Dream - Santa Cruz Cut

Yo Daniel you still got access? Lol
Dark Heart Nursery closed :’( except for their lab, but their clones, all done. I enjoyed my job. Several people were elated that I got them that. I wish I knew anyone, I do know someone who has it in tissue culture but he’ll want a lot, probably something short over a thousand. It’s not really worth it if you ask me. There’s a lotta better stuff now
This is the reason if it’s really wanted the price should be paid to get it from tc from my buddy for like a lil over $1000 cuz it’s cleaned up and you get what you pay for. I’d only say good places. The dude Pnwstrainhunters just now started hlvd testing and is finding hlvd in a lot of his stuff plus hasn’t tested for fusarium with Tumi yet and my home girl who took the clone I ordered from him, she did test them she was gonna make sure their clean for me. Dirty asfuck. Not tryna say he’s a bad guy he’s great and gave me a litt seedpack as a replacement. But I’m saying he bought from Strainly everything he got. If you pay for what you want in the beginning with bigger $ then this woulda never happened to him. He’s a great example of what can happen to any of you
back in the day my brother would grow sin city seeds blue power and sell it as blue dream lmfao not gonna lie blue power smelled amazing but the only problem was it grew nanners in flower almost everytime we grew it.
By any chance does anyone here have or know where to find the original clone only Blue Dream Santa Cruz Cut?

I know it's old now but I've literally been trying to hunt this down for years(probably close to 10 now?) here in Canada and have yet to be even close to finding it. Not even knowing somebody who knows somebody type thing.

I've grown out several "Blue Dream" seeds from various companies and some were good but most were straight trash. And although I was happy to have decent copy cats at the time, I still couldn't help but wondering what the original was like. Feedback from anyone who has had it all claim that "the seeds aren't even close to the original".

I figured I'd eventually come across the original cut but at this point it's been so long and it's now at the point of being considered an old strain, I've almost given up on it. I even considered taking a trip to the US to collect some hard to get clones(in Canada) and try to smuggle them back with this cut being top of my list. Decided against that though, bad idea lol.

Gonna go a head and toss up this thread as a last chance type deal. If anyone who has a real deal cut or know how a guy could acquire it happens to read this, PLEASE do me a favor and reach out to me.

Thx gang.
Did you ever find it?

try askin in cuthut, he's in there but doesn't have a channel. might find a better source after what @DanielGrowPhotos said
I found one on strainly it says Blue dream Santa Cruz cut from dark heart I could think that’s legit looking at dark heart industries website?
Now the question is if it caught hlvd or fusarium but it’s legit
It’s the Santa Cruz cut coming out of dark heart nursery so based on their ipm program I feel ok? Should I? Haha

Clean Plant Program
Strict regulations within the cannabis industry ban the use of many pesticides and fungicides considered mainstays in other agricultural realms. Undeterred by the challenge, we’ve developed extensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) protocols in our nursery, relying on natural and biological controls, along with relentless scouting. Our plants also start cleaner. All Dark Heart clones originate in our tissue culture lab in Davis, CA. Here, the genetics are scrubbed clean of pathogens including hop latent viroid. The cumulative result: our plants arrive pest, disease, and worry-free, ready to grow.
It’s the Santa Cruz cut coming out of dark heart nursery so based on their ipm program I feel ok? Should I? Haha

Clean Plant Program
Strict regulations within the cannabis industry ban the use of many pesticides and fungicides considered mainstays in other agricultural realms. Undeterred by the challenge, we’ve developed extensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) protocols in our nursery, relying on natural and biological controls, along with relentless scouting. Our plants also start cleaner. All Dark Heart clones originate in our tissue culture lab in Davis, CA. Here, the genetics are scrubbed clean of pathogens including hop latent viroid. The cumulative result: our plants arrive pest, disease, and worry-free, ready to grow.
It’s one someone bought from DHN. It’ll be as clean as their garden. You should buy it , and meristem it. There are meristem labs for $750 I hear of
Not familiar with that term?
Meristem tissue culture. Do some research. Ideally it’s the only way to offer hlvd & possibly fusarium free genetics if done right unless the genetics were never exposed to those but every time you take in genetics not directly from meristem your riskin your whole grow, unless the garden that it comes from does regular hlvd fusarium testing. Regular means from every month to two months, to test every plant. If it’s not coming from a facility or grow this serious with it passing the test every time on every variety. Then you could very well be fuxked. Hop latent vidroid is in well over 1/2 of the genetics out
Your killing my dream of finding it bro
It’ll cost anyone like 1k+ at this point for a invigorated tc blue dream . If it were a product it would be obsolete in todays day. Only librarians hold this, realistically except for a few other pretty rare scenarios but then it may or may not be clean & from a librarian your looking at a thousand or better most likely. To get it 10000% clean and reenvigorated with access to it back if ever lost, from them they’ll give it back to ya for either free or shipping. That’s how it’s working now adays for this cut after DHN’s Nursery died. It’s becoming a niche market now adays anyway. You always get what you put in. Or else you get fuxked I’ve learned. Part of that market is clones from meristem tissue culture that have been accumulated into a expensive library and are proven elites. They exist. They’re there if you look. & if you get into it you’ll find more. @unmappedtravels @dnapreservationlabs are the instagrams of who I speak of that’s my buddy with it in meristem for a grand or so. Maybe more. But if this variety is y’all guyses true niche passion then go ahead and save up and I say make some nice beans immediately cuz it’ll be fresh from meristem.
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