Blue Hash second CFL grow

moshi 519

Here is the second CFL grow we have going, same conditions as my last cfl, except we know what the strain is. We got a little bit of a bigger pot for it, but will be getting a bigger one. using the plant prod 20-20-20 nutes still. it was germed for 3 days and went into soil march 20th, so were at day 17, another couple weeks and into flower, anyone know why the leaves are curling like that? i think its the strain but whats your thoughts? also what about the red tops on the branches the stem looks healthy though getting real stalking already.she is already smelling real skunky for how old she is. here she is looking fat.IMG_20120406_141258.jpgIMG_20120406_141420.jpgIMG_20120406_141435.jpgIMG_20120406_141450.jpgIMG_20120406_141513.jpg


Well-Known Member
you should get a hot glue gun and hot glue get rid of that tape, thats a fire hazard in my book, yes i know cfls rarely catch fire but shit happens, i am subbd, keep up the good work im interested in seeing this blue hash turn out


Well-Known Member
like i said it could be from a bunch of different things, do you have your thermometer under neath the light because the plans are always underneath the light not above or too the side so tht s not the temp if its not.

moshi 519

like i said it could be from a bunch of different things, do you have your thermometer under neath the light because the plans are always underneath the light not above or too the side so tht s not the temp if its not.
ya the thermometer is directly beside the plant, attached to the pot. I dont believe temp is the problem

moshi 519

so we are 20 days into veg now, she has only been fed twice, and will be fed more now, the leaf curling has stoppped and is doing nothing but soaking up light. we prunned and trimmed her up today, we will do one more trim before it goes into flower. its looking real fat and bushy, getting a real think stalk, so i think maybe a promising flower. it is a little short for 20 days in though. anyone got any suggestions or concerns? thoughts maybe? thanks!


moshi 519

Here she is 27 days in, growing strong! getting larger and fast, it also already stinks up the entire room, its rediculous how skunky it is for the size and age cant wait for flower soon!

moshi 519

So the plant is growing up big fast! were at day 34, so a week from the last update and she grew a full 3 more nodes. This blue hash is also getting so stinky. i cannot believe the stench coming off this little guy already, easily stinks up the room. I did notice a few things when doing some pruning and manicuring today, the leaves almost have two shades to them, a dark dark dark green and then a light green, is this a sign of getting to much of something? also the ends of the leaves appearing to be almost burning? and the two bottom sets of fan leaves had brown spotss in the middle of the leaves (ignore the wholes in them i crumpled it after i cut before i took a photo)? any help here wanna catch it early if i can, we have upped feeding on her in the last couple weeks. IMG_20120424_133707.jpgIMG_20120424_133717.jpgIMG_20120424_133724.jpgIMG_20120424_133737.jpgIMG_20120424_133759.jpgIMG_20120424_133809.jpgIMG_20120424_133832.jpgIMG_20120424_133848.jpgIMG_20120424_133912.jpg


Active Member
i have the converters on the power strips dude. its VERY important not to tape over any electric terminals, and EXTREMELY important not to tape over the sockets its very easy to get shocked by those [happened to me twice now] its also easy for something to go wrong. Try to get strong tape and tape the power strips up, if your converters wont stay in just put a small piece of strong tape [duct, gorilla] on the converter than over the strip to the other side do anything to avoid that tape being a hazard good luck

moshi 519

i have the converters on the power strips dude. its VERY important not to tape over any electric terminals, and EXTREMELY important not to tape over the sockets its very easy to get shocked by those [happened to me twice now] its also easy for something to go wrong. Try to get strong tape and tape the power strips up, if your converters wont stay in just put a small piece of strong tape [duct, gorilla] on the converter than over the strip to the other side do anything to avoid that tape being a hazard good luck
word ya thanks dude! hasn't seemed to cause any problems in the last 8 months though. working on getting the lighting fixtures fixed for it