Blue Himalaya Diesel and MI5 - Short Stuff - CFL Grow Journal


It was a little premature but I let it dry a little then smoked a g bowl some good shit but my two other plants are full of bud hopefully only two or three weeks left my sativa bag seed is blooming super slow Idk what to do I had to transplant it in mid flower. Looks like your plant got a little burnt couples days and its going to start flowering.


Active Member
All is well. The MI5 looks like it is sorting itself out, although it is still a couple of days behind the HBD.
The HBD showed sex, its a female :weed:




Active Member
How do you think they look, i think the HBD is a bit stretch or is it alright? I think my MI5 might be a fucking hermie! Can I just cut the sacks off and carry on flowering it? Help, its my first hermie :wall:




Well-Known Member
Very healthy looking plants there.......if it's a hermie, I personally wouldn't push luck....I'd just kill it....good looking plants.....keep up the good work. Love those autos....


jaime if its a hermie you might as well "try" to save it I just had a female hermie on me half way through flower. I used finger nail clippers and snipped the sacks none of them came back. And if anything seed the bitch. But thats just my few I dont like killing them unless they are dudes. Big up bro they look great maybe get the lights down on the first HBD.


Active Member
I moved the possible hermie MI5 outside into my shitty little greenhouse just to see how it goes rather than just killing it. Theres been a couple of frosts but it think its big enough to survive it.

The HBD is getting nice and tall, i hope the buds fatten out like they did with my last MI5.

anyway, heres the pictures...



Oh no doubt she will survive indicas like it colder and will purple up and those are going to be fat fucking colas by the end of this


bro I had to harvest my mi5 early because my sister came from Barcelona to stay with me and I had to chop them down before arrived. Which sucked because I needed like a week more of flower time but its whatever I got more seeds to grow.


Active Member
bro I had to harvest my mi5 early because my sister came from Barcelona to stay with me and I had to chop them down before arrived. Which sucked because I needed like a week more of flower time but its whatever I got more seeds to grow.
You should have just kept her going anyway I'm sure you sister would understand, im sure its decriminalised in Spain.


Active Member
Had a disaster yesterday, I came back home to find lights had fell down and the heat had burnt some of the leaves, luckily it didn't get to the cola's. She is growing so fast still, whenever i wake up i have to move her away from the lights cause she has grown to close to them. I'm really surprised at the high of her.



Luckily looks like they are fine and getting huge. My sister is a crazy bitch and I can't grow weed with her here I know she will tell my parents cuz they are helping me until I get a new job. So had to cut them but the smoke is strong and smooth its all good.

David Fonseca

Active Member
Nice ladys you got there will be subing to see your progress on them, iam thinking of getting some!
cheers and god luck with them:)


Active Member
They are starting to look nice. Youll see them get there true size soon. I noticed with my BHD's they are very sensitive to nutes. Good Luck and Happy Growing :)


Hey buddy are they stinking yet my Mi5s stink my whole house up lookin good btw and I know those plants are in perfect condition after the burn


Active Member
I decided to bring the MI5 back inside, it turns out it wasnt a hermie! Turns out the little sacs i saw were containing the pistils, pretty weird. As you'll be able to see in the pics it's had a little accident. There was gale force winds the other day and it blew my little greenhouse over and my plant come off pretty bad, she should be okay still.

My HBD is thriving, i hope it stops growing vertically or ill have to rebuild my grow cupboard.

