Blue Lab PH pens are not good

I think it's getting in through the display window. It's really flimsy. It's been a while since I had my original pen, but I don't remember the window being nearly as flexible.
I'd guess user error. Looks like you were drowning it.
"Our products are designed and built for grower environments - not the lab - so you can relax knowing that your pen can withstand the knocks, drops and deep-water plunges that come with everyday growing. In fact, the fully waterproof Bluelab pH Pen is designed to float when it lands up in your reservoir."

Dummy. Not knocked or dropped at all, mind you. Always hydrated with KCI liquid. Calibrated more than recommended. I was even making sure that the water was lukewarm when I washed it out after each and every use, because I noticed cold water seemed to shock its brain.
Also if it's user error then I somehow lucked out with the first one I owned that I treated with much less care for 5 years.
And let me be clear. If I still had my original pen and read this thread, I would be defending the company like I did in every other thread. The newer pens aren't built like the old ones. Take care of the ones you have and try to make them last forever.
Is there a pen that the storage solution doesn’t leak out of if it tips over on its side? I should probably use a cup or something now that I think about it.