New Member
So my 3 week old blue mammoth seed has just started flowering, and now the bottom leaves are turning pale yellow and floppy. Also, its just so small. So what could be causing the yellowing and stunted growth?
yes man, ph is important. BUT in soil/soilless medium indoors pH is rarely a problem cause 1st soil has a buffer which fixes most of the problems and feeding just with tap water is more than enough. 2nd. mj is very pH tolerant. so unless you have like a lot of soil ingredient that makes soil acidic or alkaline(which I very doubt) you should not worry about the pH. Read again some worthy books. Actually there's only two out there worth reading, and that is Mel Frank - Insider's guide (1993) and newer and more updated with color pics and highly recommended Mel Frank - Marijuana Grower's Guide Deluxe(1997). Others I read have lots of hypes which all newbies fall for. Trust me, I've been there. You can read through my C99 and SLH thread in sig, and check how I suffered from the same problems and how a guy with over 30 years of growing experience tried to guide me through the grow.How can you say that. Indoors or out you have to have correct soil ph otherwise most of the nutrients are unavailable. You say that like i dont know what im talking about. Theres many books written by well seasoned vets that this info comes from. Autos are hit or miss the blue mammoth in optimal conditions will not pull more then a couple ozs. If ber leaves are dying back at week three its almost undoubtedly a PH issue with the soil or lack of nitrogen. She could be drowing the plant as well. Either way your water has to be tested and the PPm has to be correct for everything to work out correctly i gave her a vauge response with problems most beginners run into. She needs to post pictures for better responses but from the details given my response was acurate. I doubt she has a PPm reader or EC reader. But lets just hope she has a PH soil test kit.