Blue Moonshine grow journal 1kW/soil


Well-Known Member
This is my 3rd medical grow. My first grow lost 10 of 12, my second is in process and going much better.

1000W MH (veg) HPS (flower)lights
CO2 burner
Sentinel CHHC-4 Controller
Quantum Air fan, regular box fan
7 Gallon pots with Happy Frog soil
House&Garden nutes

This grow will be the first in my second room. I'm going to draw and return air from room 1, which is climate controlled, with two 400CFM fans.

Fifteen clones were taken yesterday from my second grow. I tried to even my canopy when I took them then I did some LST/supercropping.

I have attached pics of the mothers, all the clones, and each clone individually. Hopefully I will be able to make an update for each plant weekly.

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