Thanks very much jerry!
I have read those links and a million more in the last few months......I already knew what was in the soil (well close) and like u said just because its not organic dont mean i cant use it. the only thing in there that "might" not be organic is the micro and macro nutes. (i really dont think that will harm the microbes at all)
my question was more towards "can the microbes live and establish in peat?
The organic promix (which i never knew about until yesterday) is the same thing but with compost and castings.
I KNOW that castings and/or compost added to the promix would be great for a good mix, however i did not know this going into the grow. i just wanted to know if anyone has ever heard of a "good grow" with promix and organic nutes? I am getting complete lockouts with this mix, i have tried almost everything and i am stumped. (i have had several good grows prior to using liquid organic nutes)
my old recipe was MG potting mix a couple scoops of perlite and most of the time a pinch of blood meal and bone meal. even without adding the blood/bone my plants would do just fine off of tap water.........
then i got earthjuice to go with my MG mix ........the were locked out completely in 6 or 7 weeks so i repoted into promix and they jumped right back up and did wonderful until first week of bloom then again started actin up again.......anyways its been 3 grows with nothing but probs, i thought maybe bad tap so i got a ro machine. i thought the super acidic nutes from earthjuice were causeing it , so i got humboldts natural line, lookin better but still a huge prob...........
sorry for the cry baby long ass post , but i have to get down to the bottem of this!
ok one more thing i was reading my neem bottle and could this be the prob?
Green Light neem concentrate........OMRI , organic , bla, bla.
Active ingrediant: Clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil..........70%
Inert ingrediants:...........30%
if that is the problem , it does not happen right after spraying ?????????