Blue Mystic Auto-Fem Grow #1


Well-Known Member
So i took advantage of Nirvana's Deal a few weeks back for the BM Auto-fem seeds. I decided to start with 3 and all 3 cracked with a weeks time. Little slow if you ask me. :) lately my Ice have been cracking in 2 days. Oh well. So now they're about a week old, about 4 or 5 days old and yesterday they fell! well 2 of them did. Out of the 2, 1 of them broke in half so i fixed it with a piece of an air pump hose. cut to size and slid over the stem and today she looks as if shes healing up; only time will tell.

I have 1 of them in a tall coffee can (plastic) that i am using as a test to see how big an auto can get in a small-ish container DWC. I have "high" hopes :bigjoint:

So as i always say, Follow along it'll be fun

Sit back & Relax, this ones gonna be fast... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Heres the girls as they are now. Slightly a slow start but that's ok. they'll finish in time...


the room got real cold last night due to the damn snow storm we got over night. so ive gotta put a heater in their room. other than that its steady as they sail...


Well-Known Member
well its been a while since i last updated this thread and there's reason...These girls pissed me off. :)
Then again i pissed them off a ton. They don't like hydro. Absolutely finicky! One day they looked great and then the next they looked down right dead. One was a stunted little and wasnt growing at all. she was even in her own dwc bucket. She only grew to two inches tall when the other two were closer to 5. So i took her out and put her into soil and now shes the biggest one of the 3! So i decided the other day id put the other two into soil and theyve been finally growing. problem hydro for BMAF!
Now i have two more BM's going in soil and at only 4 days from seed are doing swimmingly well. in my pics youll see some other two ladies that im starting a thread on as soon as this is posted. Another Ice Grow.Theyll be scrogged too so some may like to check that out. Heres some pics....



Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I got 5 of those seeds. One didn't germ, two didn't sprout, and one just died inexplicably. The one that is left sounds like yours. It is 7 weeks old, but it will look fine and an hour later it will be all droopy for no apparent reason. Then it will bounce back, then it will droop. The buds are growing so it might produce something. But I'll never consider this strain again. Nirvana said it was like Northern Lights. It is nothing like Northern Lights. NL is a very stable and very forging strain. I have never seen an NL plant do crazy things like this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I guess there's some unstable seeds again on their new re-launch. Oh well, they smell really good though that's for sure