Blue Mystic Autoflowers. 2nd grow!

Yeah so im currently growing 2 Blue mystic autoflowers. I say this is my second grow but my first plant died before harvest :-( However ive bought some stuff and read some shit and am ready for attempt 2!
I am using Canna Terra soil mix with the Canna Terra Flores, i did not purchase the vegative nutes as i did not feel it was needed with an autoflower.:?:
I have a 400w hps, i bought it of a lighting website labled as a lowbay light im guessing for contruction sites. Oh yeah and im growing in a secret jardin grow tent 90 x 90 with a height of 160cm
im having problems positioning them both directly under the light, is this okay? i am tempted to add a 3rd plant or would this be to much?
So here are my girls about 2 weeks ,one is a bit older than the other.

i hadnt set my light up for the first week so this could have slowed them particulary the older plant as it stretched quite far in the first week.:wall:
not sure why the leaves are curling like that I think I read that some curling up might be because of temps... what are your temps? and do you have anything moving air around? stagnant air is no bueno
yeah.... that sounds about right, i havent actually been checking my temps and well i have a small fan which i have placed ontop of my light which is sucking in air through a hole at the top. this is simply just to cool down the light but is that not enough airflow?
I also thought the light looked a bit close for those babies, but i wasnt sure so i didnt say anything.
6 inches? that seems a bit far its already a good 10 inches-ish ill have to check but no i dont have a fan that blows directly on the plants i need to get one! ive asked my farther to purchse one but hes being a budgie.
look on your local craigslist and see if anyone is trying to get rid of a good oscillating fan for dirt cheap or even hit up a few garage sales and pick up one.. it will help a TON in not only keeping your plants cooler but also make them stronger and move some of that stagnant air around :)
look on your local craigslist and see if anyone is trying to get rid of a good oscillating fan for dirt cheap or even hit up a few garage sales and pick up one.. it will help a TON in not only keeping your plants cooler but also make them stronger and move some of that stagnant air around :)
thanks dude
i raised the light its now at 15 inches. i turned the hps off to take the pics. plant looks pretty pale in some pictures but thats down to me having a reallly complicated camera and i couldnt really get the setting right, but still heres the girls.


Active Member
Looking good. The light is fine now. 15 should be good. mist them every night. It will help to cool them off a bit and keep moisture.


Yea HPS shud be about 1.5'-3' above them. young seedling it should be further as they mature you can drop it down. I got a T5 im using till i get my LEDS and might use CMH for flower. Anywho I have the same slight upper curl on the internodes of the leaves where it meets the stem. Got air moving around also. It is a weed and will grow and in the end we are after buds so dont sweat it too much. All about dialing things in bro and experience.