I say about the 5th week of giving it nutrients every 4th day no watering inbetween it started looking really bushy. That was probably due to the case that I was topping it every chance I got for a burning bush. I began topping at the 3rd internode and it started from there. Anyway, on the 5th and a half week of vegging I talked to my partner and decided maybe it will grow better with 4 more 23-watt CFL's. At about the 2 hour mark of the CFL's being in there the leaves started pulling up towards the CFL's...I was super excited. Went to bed hopeing to see such a vast improvement from the day before. But, to find out my plant had dried to hell up the leaves were all crispy as hell and I felt like breaking something. Well I took out the other 4 CFL's and hoped for the best. In about 4 days the plant came back to life and started its journey again.