Blue OG Phenotypes

Then I used a shoe string to secure that little branch bud just to be safe because it was about to break as well.
seems like your pheno is a little stretchier than the one i run. you might just have your light to high and thats making it stretch.
No, it's at the required height 12"-18" from the canopy. I thought that as well when I was deducting what it could be. I think this one phenotype just has more of the purple Thai coming out in it. Although it could be something like you said.
I was thinking it might have been the conditions at one point. Because for a few days when my dial was broken, and I had to wait on the new one. The temperature went over 82 degrees. That being said, that could have made it stretch like that. It was only a few days though. Stretch that much in that short of time?
Those two have been flowering only 33-days. Normally this hybrid is finished between 50-56 days. Not a huge yield, but the sheer quality makes up for that loss in weight.