Blue Wizard's AMA

Well... it's an answer, I guess.
I'm sorry, did you want me to be super cereal? I would have to say greed, plain and simple.

Everyone seems to be looking out for #1 and has nothing but contempt for strangers.

Real talk. Even on weed sites the greed is palpable.
I get shit everytime i say i sell $50-100 ozs, all day. I dont inderstand it. I know the price per oz has dropped about $100 in 5-7 years here. I like to think i helped play a part
It's like at work. Everyone has $2k TV's in each room, $500 phones, PS4, XboxOne, and a new car. But they're sleeping on an air mattress and sitting in front of their TV on cheap plastic lawn furniture.

They want all the good stuff and they sacrifice everything to get the luxuries at the expense of the necessities.
OK, I'll ask you.

Why did you post over 200 posts in one day, each of them containing about 20 identical images? That's just spam, and we ban spammers every day. If you were not trying to be banned, then why do it?

For what it's worth, I was damn glad that Blue Wizard was there doing what he was doing. Not trying to lecture you in any way, but I wonder if you really grok what somebody like mainliner does to ruin this place for a lot of users.
For what it's worth, I was damn glad that Blue Wizard was there doing what he was doing. Not trying to lecture you in any way, but I wonder if you really grok what somebody like mainliner does to ruin this place for a lot of users.

I was just flooding his threads so nobody could respond to his bullshit and it worked for about a day. As soon as people were able to respond to his threads it got pretty volatile. He ran off some good members before, and I really love you guys. I dunno, I guess I over reacted.

Again, I'm sorry.
@Blue Wizard Here's a couple generic ones:

What's color is your toothbrush?
Are you left or right handed?
What albums are currently on your playlist?
What is your favorite type of food?
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I was just flooding his threads so nobody could respond to his bullshit and it worked for about a day. As soon as people were able to respond to his threads it got pretty volatile. He ran off some good members before, and I really love you guys. I dunno, I guess I over reacted.

Again, I'm sorry.

I LOVED that, and it seemed fairly effective. I liked it so much that I took up the cause and started doing it a little myself. In the process, I fell in love with Baily ;)
Do you like gyros? I'm eating a pretty decent one right as we speak and couldnt help but think that they should be much more popular than they are. They're fucking awesome!
Its crazy how many people tell me they don't like gyros. Wtf is wrong with these people??? Theres a pizza place around the corner that makes the best gyros. I seriously eat there like twice a week. Like the delivery guy is my buddy now i see him so much.
@Blue Wizard Here's a couple generic ones:

What's color is your toothbrush?
Are you left or right handed?
What albums are currently on your playlist?
What is your favorite type of food?

It's white, green and blue.

Right handed, but I was ambidextrous until I was around 5.

That's a really long list and it's growing all the time. Mostly Electric Wizard lately, I have a good chunk of their discography. (8 CD's)
Also: Alice in Chains, The Grateful Dead, Jess and the Ancient ones, Blood Ceremony, Sleep and the Allman Brothers. I could keep going and that's just from what I listened to at work today.

Favorite type of food, Mexican. I grew up in a border town and my step fathers family are mostly hispanic. That's pretty much all we ever ate growing up and it was heaven.

I miss the barbacoa the most, I can't find any that was as good as I had when I was a kid.