Bluebeery cheese hydro grow with Dutch Master Gold nutes.


Well-Known Member
Recently switched nutes to Dutch Master Gold. I really like the product so far.

Barneys Blueberry cheese
Barneys Violator Kush
White Whiddow massive
Power skunk

Week 4 or so from beans. Had a bad case of plythium, but got it under control.

Drip and aeroponic jets are feeding each plant. 1,000wtt Mh and HPS. AC unit to keep temps at 75.

Prob going to go 12/12 next friday. Depends on how much bigger they get over the next week, but im expecting a lot of growth. (week 3 is when they normally take off, but plythium infection put me a week behind.)
should lbe fun! I usually update pictures every 2-3 days or so. So be sure to check back in!!



Well-Known Member
yay. cat just knocked over AC unit onto the blue cheese... took about 80% of the cheese out, 20% of WW. Then, immediately after, my e-z cloner started to leak. I moved fast but it was still 5 gallons of water that i eventually had to deal with. Terrible night.

Oh yea, cat opened door (closed, but he knows how to spin door knobs then he pushes) got into room then opened door to grow room. fuc1ing sabotage!



Well-Known Member
Wonderful plants! They turned out great. Can't wait to hear about the taste test for the blueberrycheese.

Glad to see you held your composure when the cat went bowling with your plants. So it actually opened two doors to get inside your room? Does it also walk upright and talk to you often? Think this cat may be the missing link in evolution.


Well-Known Member
lol, yes he opened 2 doors. One is the door to my room. He stands on his rear legs and twists the knob with he front paws and leans into the door. Then the closet doors are the fold-able slide doors. I still dont know how he got those open.. lol

Either way the buds are looking good. I know for fact the last time i grew thw WW the nugs were much more mature @ this point. If you check my previous threads u can see the WW on day 54 was hard nug. The WW now still looks like the nugs are growing. Meh, either way im looking forward to the cheese and violator.

Have 6 clones already vegged that went 12/12 last night. Trying Advanced nutes with this batch. So i will have tried: Flora Nova, Dutch master gold, Botnicare and now Advanced nutes. Ive always used AN big bug, hygrozyme and root juice with all grows. I will continue to use the Dutch Master Gold foliar line, in particular the penetrator gold with liquid light alternating with max-fx for ever.


Well-Known Member
Everything I hear about the Advanced Nutrients is that they are the best.

I hope so because they are not cheap!


im useing the d.m. advanced line i have only applied once since i am useing m.g. soil. it burnt my 2 smallest plants when used d.m. advanced that one time but the rest loved it at 1/4 dose i think the m.g. is to blame more. dutch masters is supposed to be the best and there new gold line is supposed to be better i think it has more organic shit in it


Well-Known Member
i only use the dm gold line. I liked their grow, but their bloom i didnt like that much. I think its shocked the WW b/c for some reason they still look like week 6. the kush liked the nutes a lot. The BB cheese looks skimpy. Im doing a similar batch with AN, and i already see better growth with AN vs DM.


Well-Known Member
took some samples of the kush and BB cheese. the kush is dry already so i have some bud shots of it. BB should be dry in a day. only took small clippings. Kush taste awesome on the way in and out, and smells very strong. super sticky.

