Blueberriest Blueberry, seed form

DJ Short is a cacksucker. So is Mathew Riot, but that's a whole other book of insults.

DJ stole my wonka moniker and gimmick back in 2005 off the old ICMAG threads, someone else there stole my golden ticket signature as well, but I guess that's how people are. DJ does have flow, which is a real nice treat, although who knows how long his seeds sit around with such a high price tag. F13 always had my attention, of course that's gone also. Of course you can't get a response - neither could I - he's a total sleeze. And He looks like a slimy white trash capitalist, some ass tickler with a hardcore std.. dancing with a cane in his new logo... very unlike the real deal big pimpin' willy wonka that works his magic with a moral twist and a wit to put someone with a bite to their own tongue. Stick with AKBB or one of the dutch shops old school BB lines.
Picked up some some dispensary HSC Blueberry Muffin. It's not nearly as BB as the DJ Short I grew last summer. It's seems as though the blueberry on the HSC is more represented by color than terps.
I'd like to amend the above. I had a chance to get the HSC nugs into some proper rh and it it had a better BB nose. Not as good as the DJBB but better than I posted above.

Credit where credit is due.
I have not grown it yet but I have heard very good things about the Seedsman blueberry. I listen to the Cheap Home Grow on YouTube with Spartan Grown, Jack Greenstalk, and Dr. M. J. Coco from Coco for cannabis. I don't remember the episode but there were a handful of guys on there talking about some of their favorite strains to grow and 2 of the guys mentioned the Seedsman Blueberry.
Who has that real light light lime green dreamy smooth summery blueberry? I love seedsmans version but feel there could be a better blueberry possibly for more money.
I feel like I'm running into dead ends so I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction(s). ...

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A buddy has given me a 3-pk of these, but from what I've read this may not be the blueberriest anymore.. ...any truth to that?? Even though it would have parented literally ANYTHING blueberry out there, right? But have any of the "students" beaten the "master" yet?

I want to find something for my dad with crazy blueberry terps. He told me an old story, and now I want to surprise him with these.
Im working on “beating” the masters. Im in insta @okcalyxxgenetics Working many of “the best” blueberry.
I know man it’s just the only one I’ve ever had that made me go “wow, blueberry!” Not to say I’ve tried many others… def never the DJ short but I’ve seen many people shit on the dj short…

many recommendations?
Last decent blueberry i tried was bluebonik but i dont think that company even makes that one anymore dutch passions aint the same hybrid wise i have heard good things about blueberry muffin yet to try that one myself tho i like a good bluecheese too mind you and blackberry gum is a good one too
If you mean like the old line he used the killer indica male in i agree 100% tbh best i ever had came from dutch passion long ago but i aint heard much good things about it from them these days doubt its the same

I've ran a number of cross breed by his son JD and they are superb

Try them out, I've ran 3 batches of testers good germ rates. Bought a bulk of Clown Royal (gg4 X BB f4) and had limited results...blaming user error (i.e. me) so I'll pop another 40 here in a week or so
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I've come across numerous varieties that had blueberry terps to them, most recently was a Bodhi 'Banana Spliff' that had a distinct, unmistakable blueberry aroma to it. I think it's actually quite common, imo almost as common as the 'skunk' terp profile so many people are chasing.
I've had quite a few people sniff my plants and almost everyone says they smell like skunk. To me they will have distinct fruit, or gas, or pine smells - I attribute this to actually liking the smell of cannabis, whereas most people don't really care for the smell and for them it just smells 'skunky'.
Something I've often noticed, is I'll rub some sugar leaves to smell my plants, and they will smell like this or that to me, but later when I smell my fingers again, as the smell wears off, it smells skunky. Surely there is a more scientific explanation of why this is.
What I'm chasing now is a powerful indica with the classic body euphoria that old blueberry had, with strong blueberry terps and the signature bluish leaves that should happen during maturation. Doubt DJShort has some kind of monopoly on that type of genetics.
All I know is the keeper I found in Dutch passion blueberry was far from average.

Hands down one of the most potent indica phenos I've ever grew. And flavor was so flipping good.

She was a finicky bitch, took weeks to root clones and had negative defense from mites but top fucking notch.

You might have had smoked blueberry but it obviously wasn't on the same level. Only weed that gave me panic attacks from being too strong.
Nice flavour and smell mate and decent effect id never class it as a day wrecker but was nice all day indica for me

I hear you. But I'm about 100 miles from where the real Blueberry originated and have smoked plenty of it. I also forget sometimes how spoiled we have been here on the west coast USA for so many decades. What may not be anything special to me might just be a hidden gem to others in places that have not had the availability of so many great strains. I wasn't trying to sound arrogant although I am. :mrgreen:

Never understood the hype over Blueberry. I've smoked the real deal. It was all around years ago. Nothing worth chasing in my opinion. It was good but so are hundreds/thousands of other strains.
I agree there are good/better but back in the late 80’s there was not a lot of great accessible strains here and BB was one of the better local strains …… yes, I’m biased as we ran it large for four years in a row. It had its issues though. Smaller than average yield (outdoor) and bud rot prone, had to watch it near the end. As I’ve said, people still mention it lol.