Blueberry and Colombian Red Haze 4wks into flower

that makes me laugh so damn hard the ones who want to have the meet are the ones who will plan it and then go going as marilyn monroe
Hahaha. I know huh? Yeah I think Ive blew my cover if I tried to hide who I was at a camping spot. Ive shared too many pics. Ha. Marilyn Monroe. Maybe Ill be Ginger off Gilligans Island. :joint:.
of course you will lol i think you would all just know me like your little hearts know what my green eyes and smiling face looks like ha ha something about my smile will say PINKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Theyre not that big...hahaha I think they just look big. They are 34D.

But yeah I think it would be silent. Thats why we should all bring lots o' booze.

i will drink scotch that always gets me talkin way to much...d's are perfectomundo not huge which is great i learned thats not really as great as you think it is, no matter how big it is it still only has one nipple and the rest is just a lot to keep up w/ i know you will flash me
i will drink scotch that always gets me talkin way to much...d's are perfectomundo not huge which is great i learned thats not really as great as you think it is, no matter how big it is it still only has one nipple and the rest is just a lot to keep up w/ i know you will flash me
Hahah I have never once flashed my titties in my life... I know sounds crazy but I really havent. Minus this one time last summer at a waterslide I went down it all fast and when I was at the bottom the life guard was all blowing his whistle and I didnt even think to look at him I was just looking for my sister and wanted to make sure she came outta the water. So hes blowing away and finally I look and my tits are just hangin outta my bikini top.... awkward.
Hahah I have never once flashed my titties in my life... I know sounds crazy but I really havent. Minus this one time last summer at a waterslide I went down it all fast and when I was at the bottom the life guard was all blowing his whistle and I didnt even think to look at him I was just looking for my sister and wanted to make sure she came outta the water. So hes blowing away and finally I look and my tits are just hangin outta my bikini top.... awkward.

thats fucking awesome...i am certain you havent flashed anyone before but i am very charming..and persuasive.