Blueberry and Colombian Red Haze 4wks into flower

Hi guys I just woke up. I guess I ate to much cuz i needed a nap real bad. Now ill be up all night, Oh well good thing im off on mondays. I can use this time to look for a new job.
Hi! Happy Easter! New job?

i am here to entertain you and on my 3rd shot but im outta beer but its time to smoke...:blsmoke: im over here making a paper journal of my gettin so much going its tough to keep up w/ watering so the only way i see i can is if i keep a daily journal of what i do...
So dedicated. Ill do a journal on my next grow, but I will document it like you and post it completed at the end...
A mushroom walks in a bar and the bad tender tells him to get out we dont serve your kind.... The mushroom says why do I have to go im a funguy. Wow im not sure but I dont think that was entertaining sorry...
A mushroom walks in a bar and the bad tender tells him to get out we dont serve your kind.... The mushroom says why do I have to go im a funguy. Wow im not sure but I dont think that was entertaining sorry...

lol i thought it was pretty fuckin funnny
....ya that jokes from like 5th grade...lmao... lets quietly let it retire and never mention this happened. Im just kidding lol.

Thanks for the effort though.
Im looking for a new job. I hate the owner of my company and cant stand working for him. Ive been at the same place for 8 years but he bought it 3 years ago and ive had it with the way he treats the people that work for him. It wont change so im gona find something else. Not to blow my own horn but I do alot for him and it will be hard to replace me.
those plants are looking lovely, i´m waiting to see the end results of ur blueberry as i have the same seeds that im starting soon.... best of lucks
Im looking for a new job. I hate the owner of my company and cant stand working for him. Ive been at the same place for 8 years but he bought it 3 years ago and ive had it with the way he treats the people that work for him. It wont change so im gona find something else. Not to blow my own horn but I do alot for him and it will be hard to replace me.

do it before he fires you in my experience the more you do for them to make them money the more likely they are to make you expendable...
Im looking for a new job. I hate the owner of my company and cant stand working for him. Ive been at the same place for 8 years but he bought it 3 years ago and ive had it with the way he treats the people that work for him. It wont change so im gona find something else. Not to blow my own horn but I do alot for him and it will be hard to replace me.
This post snuck past me I didnt see it until Pink responded to you... oops sorry.
Once Im unhappy at a job and it doesnt get resolved quickly I bounce. Ive avoided working places that dont treat me like I am valuable. You should find another job asap!
This post snuck past me I didnt see it until Pink responded to you... oops sorry.
Once Im unhappy at a job and it doesnt get resolved quickly I bounce. Ive avoided working places that dont treat me like I am valuable. You should find another job asap!

i let a company prostitute my brain like it was a cheap whore that did everything from write their fucking business plan, company policy, to recruiting and hiring...ill never let anyone use my mind and talent to their benefit and then fuck me in the end ever again..
Its funny you shoul say that I was called into the office a few weeks ago and asked if i was trying to get fiired. I wasnt trying but wouldnt care if he did and he knows it. Honestly i am the best at what I do that he has. The other guys cant do what I do again i know i can be replaced but not for what hes paying me. I do make good money for what I do but im at the top unless the owner dies and leaves the store to me. best to move on to something that has more growth im not getting any younger.
Its funny you shoul say that I was called into the office a few weeks ago and asked if i was trying to get fiired. I wasnt trying but wouldnt care if he did and he knows it. Honestly i am the best at what I do that he has. The other guys cant do what I do again i know i can be replaced but not for what hes paying me. I do make good money for what I do but im at the top unless the owner dies and leaves the store to me. best to move on to something that has more growth im not getting any younger.

do it!!!!!!! especially since you can use this time to maybe really find something that you looooove!!!
i let a company prostitute my brain like it was a cheap whore that did everything from write their fucking business plan, company policy, to recruiting and hiring...ill never let anyone use my mind and talent to their benefit and then fuck me in the end ever again..
Ya I admit, I let some Doc treat me like his slave, make me do illegal shit, he once had me carry a computer monitor... while he led the way to his car.

I did so much for him and after I quit, it would make me have the best day when I heard from the office manager he was having the worst time without me. Lmfao.
I dindt do anything wrong to get called in the office well other then saying that I was sick off all the bullshit around here and if the owner didnt care why should I. Hes just a lazy fuck that does half jobs and leaves the rest for me to clean up. Plus most of our customers think hes a dick. I just cant care more than the owner anymore its just wrong and makes me angry.
Ya I admit, I let some Doc treat me like his slave, make me do illegal shit, he once had me carry a computer monitor... while he led the way to his car.

I did so much for him and after I quit, it would make me have the best day when I heard from the office manager he was having the worst time without me. Lmfao.
today i am embarrassed at what a slave i was to that company have a 3000 minute phone plan to accomodate calls from their people and they didnt pay for that shit....if they gave me any kind of bonus they 1099 me for it in the end so i had to pay taxes on it...and i kept believin them when they said they were going to make me financially wealthy...fuck that fuck them....i got me as USUAL...
I dindt do anything wrong to get called in the office well other then saying that I was sick off all the bullshit around here and if the owner didnt care why should I. Hes just a lazy fuck that does half jobs and leaves the rest for me to clean up. Plus most of our customers think hes a dick. I just cant care more than the owner anymore its just wrong and makes me angry.

no doubt fuck that shit they called you in there so they could write down spoke w/ doctor d on such and such date then when they fire you they can be like well we had to talk to him on such and such date..