Blueberry and Colombian Red Haze 4wks into flower

ha oh yeah i forgot.... show me some pics of my bay bay
Dubbuh. you know that guy in your avatar. He rocks. grew up near here. I guess I'm giving to much away but that avatar kicks ass. And I love the movie too. one of my all time favorites. The one with johnny depp! Johnny grew up in the sticks but same state. And I read his works until he blew his brains out with the shotgun. He had a column on but he always had a hard time with the scores. He got the rest of the game right though. He said his shotgun was his ticket out. That was his comfort. always knowing he had a way out. If you get tired of it let me know. I'll carry that torch for ya.
ha oh yeah i forgot.... show me some pics of my bay bay

A little trooper already. She sprouted before 24 hours was up lol. I need to move her outta there. 2 more are poppin up too, one you can see one you cant.

:joint:. Sorry its a bad pic, I took it with my cell since my camera is in the car still from attemptin to take lightening pictures.
Dubbuh. you know that guy in your avatar. He rocks. grew up near here. I guess I'm giving to much away but that avatar kicks ass. And I love the movie too. one of my all time favorites. The one with johnny depp! Johnny grew up in the sticks but same state. And I read his works until he blew his brains out with the shotgun. He had a column on but he always had a hard time with the scores. He got the rest of the game right though. He said his shotgun was his ticket out. That was his comfort. always knowing he had a way out. If you get tired of it let me know. I'll carry that torch for ya.

yeah i only read 1 book of his..... back in high school, "Fear and Loathing in America: The Brutal Odessey of an Outlaw Journalist".

very fuckin fun book to read... compiled of a bunch of letters he wrote through out the years, i believe Hunter explained in the book that he started makeing copies of every letter he ever wrote and saved them over the years.....ha gives alot of insight into the mind and views of HST....very fuckin cool guy i loved everything he had to say...

also a good read that my fuckin dog chewed up when i first got him as a puppy, was a rolling stone magazine published after his death.... had stories from friends of his like Johnny Depp, just talking about funny stories of hanging out with Hunter...ha he sounds like a blast...talkin about always gettin fucked up and like shooting propane tanks in his back yard.... from a distance..... and other funny stuff..... i'd go try to get it at a library or order it online or somethin.....

i dont read alot...that book was probally 1 of 3 books i've read completely.... but i def wanna read more of his stuff.... the Rideing with the Hells Angels book is supose to be pretty damn good...guess thats what made him famous.....

A little trooper already. She sprouted before 24 hours was up lol. I need to move her outta there. 2 more are poppin up too, one you can see one you cant.

:joint:. Sorry its a bad pic, I took it with my cell since my camera is in the car still from attemptin to take lightening pictures.

sweet ur da best
yeah i only read 1 book of his..... back in high school, "Fear and Loathing in America: The Brutal Odessey of an Outlaw Journalist".

very fuckin fun book to read... compiled of a bunch of letters he wrote through out the years, i believe Hunter explained in the book that he started makeing copies of every letter he ever wrote and saved them over the years.....ha gives alot of insight into the mind and views of HST....very fuckin cool guy i loved everything he had to say...

also a good read that my fuckin dog chewed up when i first got him as a puppy, was a rolling stone magazine published after his death.... had stories from friends of his like Johnny Depp, just talking about funny stories of hanging out with Hunter...ha he sounds like a blast...talkin about always gettin fucked up and like shooting propane tanks in his back yard.... from a distance..... and other funny stuff..... i'd go try to get it at a library or order it online or somethin.....

i dont read alot...that book was probally 1 of 3 books i've read completely.... but i def wanna read more of his stuff.... the Rideing with the Hells Angels book is supose to be pretty damn good...guess thats what made him famous.....

and he talks alot about past things in his life too.....pretty much like a biography book....written by him.... def should look into it i found the book hilarious.... Hunters got my kinda sense of humor and views on shit
WOW dubb I was not expecting answers like that...we should start a book club and we'll all read the same book then discuss it....
WOW dubb I was not expecting answers like that...we should start a book club and we'll all read the same book then discuss it....

ha yeah not bad for bein stoned and writein it huh?? i thought it was a shitty description...ha just been so long since i read it i only can think of a few parts....

book i've currently been picking up and reading every once in awhile is "Without Remorse" by Tom Clancy....awesome book.....not just for guys i dont think.....theres a love story in it......and its a crime story...... i dunno its good though... look it up some time and read the summary or whatever....

i wouldnt mind readin another HST book...or even the same one
ewwww a love story ewwwww whats love?? if you had said it had a pretty hot throbbin nasty sex scene or two that got you hot I woulda for sure read it but you lost me at love story:spew:

ha yeah not bad for bein stoned and writein it huh?? i thought it was a shitty description...ha just been so long since i read it i only can think of a few parts....

book i've currently been picking up and reading every once in awhile is "Without Remorse" by Tom Clancy....awesome book.....not just for guys i dont think.....theres a love story in it......and its a crime story...... i dunno its good though... look it up some time and read the summary or whatever....

i wouldnt mind readin another HST book...or even the same one
ewwww a love story ewwwww whats love?? if you had said it had a pretty hot throbbin nasty sex scene or two that got you hot I woulda for sure read it but you lost me at love story:spew:

well not really love......a ex navy seal....actually i dunno if he was a seal but he's a bad ass lets just say........ i dunno he befriends a like 20 somthin yearold hooker...forgot how they met....he lets her stay at his place....yeah they hook up.....then they stay together.... and he gets her off drugs and shit.......they go into the city one day and the pimp spots her and shoots him and kidknaps the girl...tortures her for hours than kills her....thats about as far as i got....of course theres alot of other good shit goin on in the book too like it goes back to missions the dude use to its war stories and shit......but i bet he's fixin to get some revenge....damn now i wanna read it but bout to watch there will be blood...o well