Blueberry and Colombian Red Haze 4wks into flower

I would love to disclose which island Im on, unfortunitly being as small as it is, if anyone in law enforcement is listing it wouldn't take long to figure out who I am.. Here's some hints: its in New England, I need to run my lights on a generator, my cellphone is my only internet connection, and boy is it slow... You thought Electric bills were high. I spent $235 xtra on diesle fuel in March. Only for a 400w light and some fans. Thats a long veg time. thats why they looked so big and healthy. What would posses somebody to just go and trim you plant while your gone? Anyway, thanks for the answer, keep it up.
Eww Yuck exams. I hate exams. Too stressful.
Good luck on your new semester.

I haven't posted in yet. i will probably do so tomorrow morning. I want to start making some hash this weekend.
Oh lord. I don't know how I will do but there s always a first time for everything.

I'll take pics of the process and if it turn out I'll post them:roll:

Oh heck. If it doesn't i"ll post them anyway to show what NOT to do;)
Yeah it was completed Sunday! Well I switched it back from outline form... hhahaa... This week other students critique it and I have to revis what ever they think I did wrong this week. Its the final essay and the most important! A new semester starts in 2 weeks. Im excited.
SOOO I will have to stop by your page Im so excited to see your chop down and Im curious if you made hash!
And... Im so bad... I chopped two plants down yesterday, didnt take pics, and I stopped weighing at 6.5 oz cuz I started rushing! It was time consuming and my house smells SO badly. But Im happy and I may chop another today!

Mmm good choice. Ive never smoked "top 44" Either way I hope you do a journal Hank! You know what I really wanna do? Is the tree grow. I think that would just be so much fun. I just dont wanna do it alone. :cry:... plus I have trust issues with people and I would like to have someone to do it with.
I would love to disclose which island Im on, unfortunitly being as small as it is, if anyone in law enforcement is listing it wouldn't take long to figure out who I am.. Here's some hints: its in New England, I need to run my lights on a generator, my cellphone is my only internet connection, and boy is it slow... You thought Electric bills were high. I spent $235 xtra on diesle fuel in March. Only for a 400w light and some fans. Thats a long veg time. thats why they looked so big and healthy. What would posses somebody to just go and trim you plant while your gone? Anyway, thanks for the answer, keep it up.
OIC, I lived in Hawaii for a long time so I was just wondering if it was there. I have no clue why she did it. I guess she was bored??
Eww Yuck exams. I hate exams. Too stressful.
Good luck on your new semester.

I haven't posted in yet. i will probably do so tomorrow morning. I want to start making some hash this weekend.
Oh lord. I don't know how I will do but there s always a first time for everything.

I'll take pics of the process and if it turn out I'll post them:roll:

Oh heck. If it doesn't i"ll post them anyway to show what NOT to do;)
Hahaha lol Im sure you did it just right. Ya I went to your thread today and it was closed! :confused::confused::confused:.
Yes I went into a panic attack the other day and closed off all my threads. You know what that was about:roll:
I opened up a new one .
OIC, I lived in Hawaii for a long time so I was just wondering if it was there. I have no clue why she did it. I guess she was bored??

Hahaha lol Im sure you did it just right. Ya I went to your thread today and it was closed! :confused::confused::confused:.
Juts stoping by to see how thing are going. Is everything drying ok?
Hi! Ya everything seems to be going well... been busy since its towards the end of the semester, plus other misc shiiiiit. But I will be by to see how things are going with your grow soon. :peace::joint::blsmoke:.
Looks tight as hell Doc!!!! I dont know why i havent been here before....tonite after im good and drunk ill read the whole thing!!
You really are a busy chick.

So you asked me a few times about my new thread but I do not know how to add a link:confused::cry:

I'm not the brightest crayon in da box you know;)

Anyway.....I made some blender hash. I looked over several intructions using the same method and made some modifications to suite me.

I repeated the process all over again and I think I did good Jamie.
I have a chuck drying now as I type and it smells REAL REAL yummy.

I even posted pics of the entire process. :mrgreen:

Thanks for asking gurl.

I do hope you last 2 exams went smoothly. I bet you are glad whenthis is all done and you get to start your new semester. Ambitious chick:mrgreen:

Hi! Ya everything seems to be going well... been busy since its towards the end of the semester, plus other misc shiiiiit. But I will be by to see how things are going with your grow soon. :peace::joint::blsmoke:.
You really are a busy chick.

So you asked me a few times about my new thread but I do not know how to add a link:confused::cry:

I'm not the brightest crayon in da box you know;)

Anyway.....I made some blender hash. I looked over several intructions using the same method and made some modifications to suite me.

I repeated the process all over again and I think I did good Jamie.
I have a chuck drying now as I type and it smells REAL REAL yummy.

I even posted pics of the entire process. :mrgreen:

Thanks for asking gurl.

I do hope you last 2 exams went smoothly. I bet you are glad whenthis is all done and you get to start your new semester. Ambitious chick:mrgreen:

Lacy throw me a link to your new thread ill show you how to put it in your signature is that what you want to do?
Glad to hear everything is good and thanks for stoping by my grow.
No thanks needed!

hellooooooooo jamie!!!! :D How's oh so bright and shiny Illinois??? i want to see some updates pleeeeasseee :) get at me! hey pink, how are you?
No updates anytime soon sorry I feel bad but gotta lot o' crap on my plate! Thanks for stopping by SerO!!! :hump::joint::mrgreen:

Heeeey ser0 how you livin??? I wish you would put an op together....
I second that!
You really are a busy chick.

So you asked me a few times about my new thread but I do not know how to add a link:confused::cry:

I'm not the brightest crayon in da box you know;)

Anyway.....I made some blender hash. I looked over several intructions using the same method and made some modifications to suite me.

I repeated the process all over again and I think I did good Jamie.
I have a chuck drying now as I type and it smells REAL REAL yummy.

I even posted pics of the entire process. :mrgreen:

Thanks for asking gurl.

I do hope you last 2 exams went smoothly. I bet you are glad whenthis is all done and you get to start your new semester. Ambitious chick:mrgreen:
Oh thanks for all the compliments. I ususally can just find em, but I havent even had time for that lately I will look right now though. My daughter is really sick, goin to the doctor today but shes had a 102-103 all weekend, now she is getting progressively worse with her cough and is having trouble breathing. Hopefully she doesnt have pneumonia.
And of course you are bright Lacy! Thanks for stopping by.:mrgreen::joint:
Jamie good luck with your daughter, didn't know you had one. You seen mine that time right? Yeah I love my little girl. Planties are looking great, so are mine. They are coming along quite nicely. I still don't have a cam, I have been fucked for cash, so I don't spend but on pure necessities.
My WW is at the 4 wk mark like when you started this thread 130 pg.s ago, lol. Then I got others just starting so. I will have a nice little stagger.