Blueberry and Colombian Red Haze 4wks into flower

looks real good.......rep 4 u
Thanks where is it... Twice mods told me they are givin me rep... none. Lol. I dont really care though its cool, just thought I would point that out.

And DUb I cant believe your actually put that as your avatar... right before I hit delete. No worries, it actually looks cute all squared up there...hahah.
wow not only nice plants but now i got to get a cold shower. hey jamie i lie and am unavailable too. just your type lol.
The only bushes I will be posting are my lil planties... hahaha... good comeback though. BTW there is no "bush" :spew:. Kept nice and trimmed... my plants I mean. LOL.

thats what i was talking about...i like when its trimmed into different shapes/designs..nicely trimmed plants...:weed: