Blueberry Auto (Day 1) Using MarsHydro TS600 (100watt) with advanced nutrients (grow,micro,bloom)

If you go to attach file area it will pop up camera or files you can either go to picture and it will bring up your camera and you can take a new pic. But if you click files you will have to look on the left side at the bottom where it says pictures or you can go with the second option and that is clicking the picture looking thing by the smiley face and do it that way
Which way are you attaching pics? Thru the picture button by the smiley face or thru attach files Attach files Files
3. Choose picture(s) you want to upload
4. Put your cursor where you want the image in your post and click full image.

That will insert the image or images where you want in the post. It also makes them much easier to zoom in on when trying to help diagnose problems. Attach files Files
3. Choose picture(s) you want to upload
4. Put your cursor where you want the image in your post and click full image.

That will insert the image or images where you want in the post. It also makes them much easier to zoom in on when trying to help diagnose problems.
Yes sorry I am on my phone so it could be different but that's how you do it on computer and I told you how to do it on a phone too.
Okay it could be bc you are doing it that way. Try using the attach files way. I have only ever tried the attach files way and it's doesn't come out as a jpg