Blueberry & bubblegum perpetual grow journal


Well-Known Member
hey slabhead, how is things? The bubblelicious is the 1st time i have used the netting. the reason behind it is to support the big fat heavy colas from falling over and i also spread the canopy with it. when i harvest ill just cut the netting up and it should just gently pull out. some bits have had the bud grow right through and around it so may be a bit trickey. The new plants on the right need another screen put up to support the longer colas, but i need to do a move in a week or so. ill put the next screen up after that. In the past i have had to tie the colas up with string but that has been more of a pain cutting it all off and putting it up this way i can train the branches through the net to keep the canopy to a better level. hope this helps. :blsmoke:


Does that netting give you problems come harvest. I'm not understanding what it does indoors, I was thinking outdoors it helped support the limbs from rain and wind. Just soaking up your knowledge...thx


Well-Known Member
i harvest in a week or 2 so ill take some pics to show how i ended up doing it.
i dont think ill be having any problems but we will see.



Well-Known Member
here are a few pics with lights off. I think u get better color and clearer pics when the hps are not on.
hope y'all like. Funnny how much variation there is between all the plants considering all were from same packet all meant to be bubblelicious. Its nice but i dont think i was blessed with that true bubblegum smell/flavour. I'm gonna buy a packet of bubblegum from both TH seeds and serious seeds that way i'm sure to get that disticnt flavour/smell of pink flavoured bubble gum. Have not smoked he real thing since about 1995 so my guess is that i smoked the originals from serious or TH. any way enjoy:




Well-Known Member
Hey zen master, heres are a few pics of my new ladies 2-3 weeks into flower. notice where the mesh is, i should have put another net up about another foot up. prob a week ago. As u can see in the corner of the 2nd pic how high they are? when they fill right out they WILL fall over if i dont support them. Also they spend a lot of energy holding those heavy branches up, that energy is being wasted as it could be used for flower production if the colas are supported.

hope this explanes it all.
Its only letting me upload 3 pics at a time if i do more says i'm missing a security token?????????




Well-Known Member
holy shit mad, damn. look here, seriously, i been really thinking a long time about this you need a new friend??? wait, wait before you answer....i know the long distance thing might be an issue,.......but with buds like that i think i could get over it.LOL. no seriously dude that is amazing. zen likey, zen likey alot. THAT is exactly want i want, oh man. i was talking to Butters about the run i'm doing now and i think that it would have been right on time with a screen over it(tell me if you agree). but as you know i'm down for trying new things so on my next batch(5 BLUE VENOMs, 6 NLs) i'm gonna top everything at about the sixth node, put a screen up, and see if i can make some magic happen like in your pics,......damn. but that will be the next journal in about another four weeks, so please subscribe when the time comes. but don't stop with the valueable tid-bits here and there. because really between you and my man Butters i'm picking up a whole lot of tips, and tricks of the ScroG trade, so PLEASE keep it up big daddy(no pun intended).




Well-Known Member
Hey zen ,

Mate those are looking sweet bro. if u put some netting over it and spread the canopy under and through the net u will be able to control the height of the canopy there fore keeping your lights at one height and the bottom branches/buds get more light = more bigger buds = more yield, more grams per watt. Also bro when you get coin u said you were gonna get some 1000 watters. I've never used 1000 only 400 and 600 watters. But i know 1000 will penetrate the foilage further than a 400 therefore u will get bigger fater colas on the lower bud sites. The only other thing i would suggest is get some panda film and line the walls with it to reflect the light. i guarentee it will make loads of difference. my room is 2.2m x 3m and i lined floor and walls for 79 dollars. the film rolls are 3m wide and a 3m x 1m length is $7.90 (in Aus) some tape and tacks easy and it will increase the light to the sides ten fold.!!!!




Well-Known Member
holy heavy harvest can i have sum? :(
Sure Thing Bro, u can all have some. :leaf:

i hope its a real heavy harvest, need all the bags i can get to get me through til i harvest again. i kept 10 bags to smoke last time i harvested. (previous journal, 2400 watts 6 slabs of canna coco). I'm out had to buy a bag last night dear as fuck $320. Not even as good as what i grew.



Well-Known Member
Hey Zen this is another thing i do about 2 weeks into flower. i clear the bottom shitty bits that amount to nothing. The bubblelicious was the 1st time i had done it and i'm amazed how much bigger the buds are because of it. The plant concentrates its energy on the remaining buds sites rather than the little shitty ones that amount to nothing at the bottom.




Active Member
Hey Zen this is another thing i do about 2 weeks into flower. i clear the bottom shitty bits that amount to nothing. The bubblelicious was the 1st time i had done it and i'm amazed how much bigger the buds are because of it. The plant concentrates its energy on the remaining buds sites rather than the little shitty ones that amount to nothing at the bottom.

Nice, that's exactly what I had in mind too. Glad to hear it worked out for you.

The plants are looking good. Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Nice, that's exactly what I had in mind too. Glad to hear it worked out for you.

The plants are looking good. Keep up the good work!

Hey KnowledgeSeeker and welcome. Hope u like. ill be harvesting a few plants in a few days so stay tuned for the pics.



Well-Known Member
hey slabhead, how is things? The bubblelicious is the 1st time i have used the netting. the reason behind it is to support the big fat heavy colas from falling over and i also spread the canopy with it. when i harvest ill just cut the netting up and it should just gently pull out. some bits have had the bud grow right through and around it so may be a bit trickey. The new plants on the right need another screen put up to support the longer colas, but i need to do a move in a week or so. ill put the next screen up after that. In the past i have had to tie the colas up with string but that has been more of a pain cutting it all off and putting it up this way i can train the branches through the net to keep the canopy to a better level. hope this helps. :blsmoke:

Alright I see. Yeah, I'm looking at trying some of your methods. Looking forward to the harvesting.


Well-Known Member
Sure Thing Bro, u can all have some. :leaf:

i hope its a real heavy harvest, need all the bags i can get to get me through til i harvest again. i kept 10 bags to smoke last time i harvested. (previous journal, 2400 watts 6 slabs of canna coco). I'm out had to buy a bag last night dear as fuck $320. Not even as good as what i grew.

$320!!!!! dammit man i would have to just be dry in between runs. that's alot, my sympathies bro,.... may your dollars rest in peace.



Well-Known Member
Well guys harvested a few last night here is a few pics i thought ya'll would love. i do.


ts fucking huge few bags on that i reckon i'm guessing 3 bags and a q about, 100g.
no freaking way man, how'd you photoshop your head so small man?LOL. dude i know it's a combo of genetics, lights, screen method , etc., but i want to be like you when i grow up. Jesus Christ i know i won't necessarily achieve "those" results, but i'm sold brother. tell me something, i had a mishap with my babies(more on that in my thread), but do you think that i could do some bending of the main branches and put a screen over them? three weeks flower, is it too late? been thinking about putting up a third 400wt light since its going to be getting cooler, so i'll have one on each end and one in the middle. that should ensure that everybody gets enough light. i want to see how that works before i get the two 1000watters. so tell me what you think. also if you know of any threads that can help, please direct. thanks man. oh yea, just one more time for the people in the cheap seats,.... NICE!!
