Im sorry but, i was only really having a lol at the first 5 words you chose to use in your post.
Imho I think its being quite ignorant. You may as well say that he doest know wtf he is on about and has no experience with the brands and equipment he mentions, or used
Statements like this are very ignorant imho
You should give people your contructive critism, and explain WHY.
Instead of ranting, and raving, then giving them a link to a website to support your insults. Its the kind of thing a politician would say and do, when they're losing a debate on national tv. Or a spoilt child that cant get what they want from their parent, so start chucking a tantrum in the supermarket.

Have respect for others, and give your constructive answer, with your own.
Can we get along?

Im sure you are a nice person.