Looking great Free!
What size light are you using again? Sounds like you have a really good idea of whats going on I just wanted to make sure
I know what you mean about the distance of the light, I've actually been fighting the same thing. With my 250 Mh I was keeping it 15 inches away and it was mid to high 80's but the difference between mine and yours is I don't have that huge drop in temperature at night! Recently I moved my light about 12" away and there is a few leaves that yellowed out and burnt from the light but I feel its @ the perfect distance @ 12 inches.. I also think that heater alone will help you tremendously. I remember reading that you don't want more than a 10-15 degree difference from night time temps vs daytime.
Anyway everything you just describe is exactly what I'm doing besides the heater for my next grow

How big of a space are you working with and what size light again?
I picked up a nice 265 cfm exhaust fan aswell, now I need a carbon filter and I should be almost completely steath besides the noise coming from my closet haha...
I agree with supa about the holes, I had the same thing going on my first couple grows. I wouldn't stress it! The stems you might want to try figuring out aswell but I think with the improvements your making everythings going to come together these next 5+weeks for you