Blueberry X Northern Lights 1k Halide, 3 White Widows, and HOGS!


Well-Known Member

    • The Setup
      4 by 4 by 7 Grow Tent
      Carbon filter (for flowering)
      173 CFM Inline Fan
      1 Eight Inch Fan (medium speed)
      8 bulb New Wave T5 Lights (2 red spec on ends)(6 blue spec on inside)
      2 42 watt CFL bulbs hanging for added light under plants in VEG
      Home Mode DWC Tub, with Drain/Dripper
      2 Twelve Inch Air stones
      1 Large circular Air stone
      Dual Output Air Pump
      Single Output Air Pump
      140 GPH Water Pump (Used to help roots get in water.)
      Ph/PPm/Tmp Oakten Digital Meter

      Current Specs

      Ph - between 5.5 and 6.5, I adjust as it sometimes gradually increases, I think this is because the plants are hungry sometimes, or it was a result of the drippers running water off the rocks which were not soaked in PH water. (Because I didn't have a meter at the time.) The drippers have been removed as most plants are rooted.

      PPM- The ppm is currently at 618, and the plants are in there second week. This is including the 230 PPM of the tap water in my area.

      Water Temp- Between 21.4 and 24.1 Celsius. (70.5 and 75.3 Fahrenheit)

      CNS-17 Grow - I added about 150 PPM
      Cal Mag- 150 PPM
      Seaplex- 80 PPM

      I have been changing the RES weekly, and I did transplant all of these plants from soil directly to a DWC setup in 100% Hydroton (I do have some concern that I should have headed some prelate or another medium to help keep the plants stable as they grow.) , without any rock wool. I did this by very gently using a hose and rinsing all of the soil off the roots at a low water pressure. One of the plants never rooted, died and was replaced, it was my first time doing this, and I learned that its good to let the clones develop good roots in the soil before transplanting to ensure the roots aren't accidentally knocked off. I would have preferred them already in rock wool.

      CNS-17 BLOOM
      Flowering will be done under a 1000 watt HPS lamp, with a reflector and switchable ballast. I am doing some research on bulbs currently as that is all I need.



Well-Known Member
UPDATE! I have now taken out the t5's and moved in a 1000 watt metal halide on a switchable ballast. Its hooked up to a 733CFM fan with eight inch ports to cool it and it has a very big sun reflector. I added some mesh screening, today and FIM'd the tops of some of them so they will grow out a little more. My front right blueberry needed more bubbles under it, and almost died, i moved a air-stone under it and its gonna be find. Some of the tops are yellow on it because i think it wants water from the top, but i'm sure it will clear up once the roots touch down. I am moving in my transplanted three white widows, in smart pots, and one blue dream.View attachment 2358272View attachment 2358275View attachment 2358278