so every breeder who has cheese has a different strain form the original or are they all clones that have been spliced with other plants, and is cheese just cheese or is it like (cheese purp, cheese kush, cheese haze)...? I'm so confused can some one explain this to me from the beginning?
Cheese started in the UK with the Skunk no1 clone. Some say that the Exodus Dance Crew spread the clone around. Perhaps the story from above comes before the Exodus crew got their hands on the clone, or the people in the story are part of the Exodus Crew (The Exodus Crew ran dance events in the UK back in the late 80's early 90's from what I understand). From there Big Buhda got a cut and crossed it with something to create Big Buhda Cheese. And then Blue Cheese came along. Everything from there is just backcrosses that people have done, or got some seeds and made their own variation. Then people started thinking, lets cross other things with cheese since it's so great, and now you got cheese crossed with kush, purple stuff, trainwreck, etc, etc, etc......The only true cheese really is the Exodus Clone only. All the others are just hybrids of that hybrid pheno of skunk all accounts, lol.
Gotta luv the cheese, nasty... stinky and sticky lol ...Ive tryed big buddhas and greenhouses Cheese both very nice strains what ever phenotypes come out but the taste was'nt skunky enough for me like the stuff knocking around back when weed was starting to replace hash in the uk just something missing i felt i came across other strains thats near that old cheese smell and taste .. critical mass im smoking now (just a bit left :roll: ) skunk kush, heavy duty frutiy & skunk1 was as close as i got ... its been a while from i went down the skunk road i might just give it another go thanks to this crital mass very heavy stone from it to
Which of the 2 Green House cheeses did you like the best? A friend has the GH cheese going now but the exodus seeds are cheeper and seem to get good reviews.
Between greenhouse and big buddha i found GH slightly better and more stable than BB's , the bb is good to,if it throws out the sativa phenotype it is worth keeping a while, out of a pack of 5 i had 4 indcia dom.seeds and 1 sativa ..

Reality the name cheese on these seeds is just marketing nothing else best going for a good stable skunk or a cross with afgani or kush works but it will never be the same as the clone that was around for years
If you can get the cheese BX1's or Cheese BX2's that a guy called Pistil done from the UK, these are pretty good representatives of the clone only. They were backcrossed with TGA's Danny Boy strain.
The GHS exo is a nice smoke with good resin production fairly strong smoke but just don't stink like it should IMO I was expecting some really smelly gear, it does smell but doesen't STINK like I was hoping for
I'm just about to crop some pineapple chunk and royal cheese for some cheese and pineapple spliffs :weed:
I've been thinking about popping my pineapple chunk bean as well..... Have you had or run it before...? ATB!