Bluecheese K defficiency


Yellow bois n gals!!! This is my first post to ya forums, pretty nice job indeed!! Me haz a new bluecheese (from clone) and an arjans ultra haze 2 (from seed) growing perfectly together for about 2-3 weeks with a plain economic 20w lamp each. In 3rd growing week 1x600w hps lamp added, till 4th week of flowering -when i added one more 600w hps (!!)- experimenting around with my sexy *sunny* bithez. The growroom is pretty big enough for both of them, and all walls are covered with reflective foil. There is no direct ventilation, just a medium fan trying to help with the rooms airflow, which is connecting to other rooms/open windows. Overall i had no problems with this space. Temperature is ~20-30C and 35-60% humidity normally. The only problem is that i had the fan working overnight (with FREEZING outside temperatures and no other heating sources in that room) so that could be a reason for K defficiency. Please note that i do not know the overnight temperatures at that time as my temp meter broke....:wall:

Anywhoo, Im gonna add many photos making sure you know exactly whats going on, so lets continue with my setup... Both treez got a sqare-like 30L pot with plain turf+stuff (re-potted 3 times till now, roots look sexy as well!!). I decided to use only bio-ferts (biogrow, biobloom, topmax) trying to avoid big bud. Ferts in growing (all 5 weeks) was added in 1L of water for both, adding 2ml/l biogrow.
My fert schedule the first 1-2 weeks of flowering was 1L of water for both treez, including 2ml/l biobloom, 1ml/l biogrow, 1ml/l top max. In weeks 2-4 water increased to 1.5L for both plants with 2ml/l biobloom, 2ml/l top max, 1ml/l biogrow and adding 1 drop of SUPERthrive vitamins/hormones every time also. In 4-6 weeks (now) water increased to 2L for both with 5ml/l bioblom, 5ml/l top max, 2ml/l biogrow, sugar, and the vitamin drop. Also, from week 5 added in watering 1ml/l nova potasium 20%.

Well, you could ask me, why I did not added K as i had noticed from earlier stages but I can tell you im THAT lazy no to buy it till "late". My only prob is that i cannot define "early" as i dont know what K can do to my plant practically. My fert solution was the recommended from Bio series and just bluecheese seemed to have defficiency. Arjan havent shown anything yet but very very early stages of defficiency but thats not surprising me as its a sativa and completely different from cheez. Also I found out lately that my PH is also very high ~7, but I havent got any ph stabilising ferts yet as i just checked it :(.. Photos may just seem ok as bluecheese is very near to harvest and i do cut like 20-40 dead leaves very often now, and the problem is now at the very last leaves of the buds. All new hairs coming out are becoming yellow extremely fast and me thinks that the buds are extremely small for the last ~3 weeks of flowering......This is neither my first crop or first bluecheese so comparing to others, (except the extraordinary shape!!!) buds should be definetly much bigger now and leafs much much darker. Now its the first week of adding more K but leaves are still dying like never happened. As im not sure whats right for my plant now im asking for ya opinion!!! Im gonna try stabilise my ph as well, but WELL!! I think my setup is the best possible with 1x indica 1x sativa both good wielders, big pots, CRAZY light, bio ferts and MUCH LUVZ....but i expected more, my mates tellin me that its all about no big bud, but i dont think so.. Lets hope its kinda early!! x)

Sorry for the big post flowerheads!! Me wish the best for ya and ya babbyz!!!

Peace. :leaf:

[fotos....uploading] :P

Bluecheese, thats how it started to show before its later stages........ It should start looking like that NOW insteadd :/

Later flowering..........

Fan is swinging pointing at the plant tops in order to keep em kool... I wonder if that helped with K def. as the lower leaves that the fan could not "reach" have much more normal colour and almost no yellow dead leaves except big and old enough ones.

Lamp setup...

Arjans Ultra Haze 2: the best christmas tree evah...

Bluecheese lower branches look healthier........

Finally, the blueberry + cheese miracle.... x))))DD~




Fotos updated!!! Please do tell me any ideas..... if you have experienced K def at about the beginning of flowering without adding more ferts, do the buds really "stun" and become mature earlier??? Also as I followed exactly the recommended Bio fert schedule, Arjan probably will need some K as well?? Also id like to add that magnesium also added once a week (about 1-2ml/l)... I tried to be as precise as i could,,,, If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask !!!!!!! pew pew Sensifrut luvz ya all! <3

PS. Check that pretty impressive top bud from a "lowryder" that went really,,,REALLY "bad"......... :)


Active Member
looks like a bit of phosphorus def too, but the buds look nice. you could really fatten those buds up with honey or molasses


Do ya reckon it needs even more P..???? I do add sugar (well melted) every time i water them both like from like the 3-4 week of flowering... Buds are definetly stunned. Comparing to 1-2week younger bluecheese, bud production iz stuck.. Its looks like a pity and waste of monies with 1200w for 2 plants finally tho.. Even with perfect plants and conditions, arjan is now about 120-140g and bluecheese about 100g max at the moment.... :/
Should i start adding big bud these 2-3 last weeks (+1 week flushing ofcourse) ??? I kept it completely bio till now... Also im gonna stabilise my ph abit and probably add 1ml/l more P and lets hope for bigger colazzz!!!!..


Well-Known Member
i was just reading up on gardening forums about a DIY potassium source, and apparently bananas are a good source - id grind up about 1/3 of a peel per pot and mix it into the topsoil - also agree with beef on the molasses too, but i dont really see any phosphorus symptoms


Active Member
i would add big bud from week 2-6 if your flowering 7 weeks and 2-7 if your going 8 weeks.
You can also add sugar up to the last week. If you only add it for the first few weeks, the sugar will flush through before the end


Well i just started big bud on both after some time freaking out as i wanted this crop to be as "bio" as possible, but screw it! :P I'm gonna try the bannanas thingy as well and keep ya posted. Btw, the leaves are still dying though after all, but the buds seem to growing abit...