BlueCheesey's AK47xLR2 Autoflower 400HPS Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Dammmm!!!!!! Dem bicthes look like beautiful son!!!! When u get a chance tell us the dry weight per plant or total weight overall, and where u got your seeds from! As well as all the nutes u used to acheive your babies growth....imma bout to get some autos and start off with 16-32 plants!!


Well-Known Member
Dammmm!!!!!! Dem bicthes look like beautiful son!!!! When u get a chance tell us the dry weight per plant or total weight overall, and where u got your seeds from! As well as all the nutes u used to acheive your babies growth....imma bout to get some autos and start off with 16-32 plants!!


Active Member
hey blue cheese. i asked awhile back in this post where you got you seeds. im still waiting because i want to order some but dont wanna get ripped off. i heard alot of people were getting screwed buying frmale auto's so i want to use a company someone has used before, not heard of. thanks


Well-Known Member
im sorry guys been real busy latley havent even been on a comp in a week


where did i get the seeds?
Attitude Seed Bank

what seeds were they?
All AK47xLR2 Feminized

Final weight?
100.5 grams and 3.1 grams of hash

Fox Farm liquid nutes


Well-Known Member
and sorry i cant give any pics at the moment bc my camera is broken but i will when they finish curing gonna give em about 4 weeks total at about a week and a half now


Well-Known Member
what was your nute schedule? when did you start giving them nutes? and did you give them nothing but bloom nutes?


Active Member
yo bluecheesey here is a few pics of first of my lwryder2xak47 this is the littlest one of the three it stayed at about 14inches but as you can see it is all developed a lot quicker than other two and was ready to chop at 63 days with triches at about 30% amber here are pics.i grew in dwc and used advanced nutes high yeild plan i ran it to max of 50% strength 400wat hps 18/6 light shced as i have some female lowryder2 fem in there as well.what you guys think



Active Member
i ave another two of these i never grow more than five at time as its for personal.i have two lowryder2 fem growing they are a month old.i think dry weight should be about 45-50 grms off this one i will keep you informed other two have about 3 days left and that will b a 9day flush.i quick dryed a bud took about a day to dry taste isnt to bad 4 qdry.its a nice smoke good mix of head nd body cant weight for propa dry nd cure.will keep you guys up to date


Active Member
quick update i got 55grms off num 1 58grams of plant 2 and 68grams off my tallest lowrydr2xak47 grew in dwc the only way to grow


Well-Known Member
damm!! 55g off of #1?!! that was the 14" one right?( how wide was it?) how tall & wide was #2 and #3?? do u think you got that amount because of DWC? because mostly everone here @ RIU says soil is better for lowryders....i have 2 bubblers in storage and was going to grow some LR2's in soil, (foxfarm with their nutes and supp) but damm, i may need to go get those 2 bubblers out of stoarge..they each have 6 sites, 2.5" apart..(that's why i wanna know how wide, so i can see if i can use all 6 sites, with AV nutes...+rep for u man!! good job..:clap:

quick update i got 55grms off num 1 58grams of plant 2 and 68grams off my tallest lowrydr2xak47 grew in dwc the only way to grow


Active Member
Hey, nice job on those easyryders (AutoAKs). Some beautiful trees. I have a few going as well and they are looking good. Its my first grow. A question... It may sound dumb, I know the idea is to "flush" the built up salts and nutes, but how do you flush with 2 times the water of the pots volume without worrying about "overwatering?" How often did you flush these babies? Or if anyone else knows how often to flush the autos. Also what type of molasses did you use, or is the best to use on MJ. I want to pick some up as the oldest girl is about 17 days old and started showing pistils at around day 13 as well! I love the autos. crazy growth and fun to watch. also how did you like the smoke when finally and properly cured? Thanks! peace


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure u should flush them once a month just like any other plant...and dont worry about over watering when flushing even if ur leaves get a little droopy they will jump back up in 24 hrs.flushing is key.