BluMats resovoir placement.


Well-Known Member
Hello all. Happy holidays, hope all are well.

I’m setting up for another Blumats grow, and getting ready to place the resovoir. Last two times, I placed a 3 gallon solution at about a 6 foot level. It’s a gravity system, so I figured’higher the better’.

Would it matter if I placed it on a shelf 3 feet high? The carrots are about 1 foot off the ground.

It’s either I go up high on the shelf deeper in a closet, or, I put the resovoir on a bar stool in a much easier to access area.

Thanks. Hope the question is clear. I’m baked.
Three feet is fine. The reservoir just needs to be 0.5 meters higher than the blumats for every 5 meters of tubing. I'd put the reservoir where it's easiest to access.

"The tank connector is fitted to any container. This container must be at least 0.5 m higher than the Tropf-Blumat system for every 5 m of tube but no more than 14 metres higher. With one water connection you can operate a system of up to 60 metres (250 Tropf-Blumat inserts)."

I have my blumats connected to a water pump in a bucket. I dont have a place to lift it. It's been working fine for about 2 years now