blunt, bong, pipe or paper...


Well-Known Member
Joints for me,I've always enjoysed them the most. Habbit I guess. But, I use my bowl all day too, and I have a few bongs. No vap though.

LOL..I think I already responded to this thread!:bigjoint:...oh well, as long as it's this weed I'd smoke it thru a tampon paper if I had to!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Joints. Bought a bong, odn't use it, bought a pipe, don't use it, bought a vape, don't use it, bought a more expensive vape, odn't use it, figured i'll just stick with joints :)


Well-Known Member
Tampon paper XP

I've yet to try it but I rolled with that tissue paper you get in shoeboxes and perfume boxes though.

There was Joints vs Blunts and like 3 other thread asking the same thing rowlman, you're not going crazy X3


Well-Known Member
okay chic rolled with the paper from a TP in Florida once, I was forced to smoke ok, tasted like shit.


Well-Known Member
Bong, I love it. I use my vape when I'm low on weed though. I do enjoy joints when i have enough bud for them. I also use my bowl from time to time.
Vapes are good but I like the full flavor of my stemless, seems to me every time I vape I'm only getting half the flavor but still getting just as high.
Hello my friends.
Please take a look at my products.New cool bongs and pipes every day.
Just looked at the lit base bongs fucken sick dude my only thing is is since you already have a power source in the base, why not add a heating coil to the bowl itself and have a press button to activate,, self burning light up bong now there's an idea " you herd it from me first I call dibs on the first one produced!!!" Lol


Well-Known Member
You should smoke out of a clean bong when available.


Total Head

Well-Known Member
if the bud is really tasty and smooth i like to put it in a bong with nice icy water and an ice catcher. other than that i like joints because mine burn slower than most blunts and you get the flavor of the herb, not some shitty tobacco leaf. if the weed tastes weird or gross it's all blunts. blunts are only good for disguising the taste or rolling fatties for multiple heads. beyond that i hate blunts. dry pipes are my least favorite. i don't know if it's how i hit them or what but they always burn the back of my throat. i only use them for hash or kief.
i like blunts cause there jsut convenient if im driving down the road or doing anythnig i dont wanna have to grab my lighter eevery two seconds


Well-Known Member
Blunts here and there, mainly for social purposes...

On the everyday, bongs at the house, keep a travel pipe with me for everywhere else..


Well-Known Member
I like smoking my bong after it's just been cleaned and using matches instead of a lighter. It tastes so much better.


Active Member
i smoke blunts 75% of the time, joints every now and then, and i always kill my roaches in my dome perc bong or my mini steamroller.

and i smoke 4 to 5 blunts a day.


Well-Known Member
Fuck bongs, paper pipes and all that. I smoke with my hands. Hold the nug by the stem, burn and inhale. Suggest u try it


Active Member
a nice freshly cleaned quality bong, diffused, perhaps with some percs, and maybe even some ice!
best smoke hands down.
oh, and use matches or hemp wicks, it taste better!


Well-Known Member
Don't use matches.I only use glass wonds (heat up with torch). Haven't tried hemp wick yet but sure will.

Also don't use ice in ur bong! Puts water in ur lungs. Fact