Well-Known Member
Looking great there!! I just started using the Duo a/b and like it,had to pick up some Calmag to run with it.
you really should look into adding a beneficial to the res. pondzyme with barley is the best deal i have found. my roots have never looked so good.
Looking great there!! I just started using the Duo a/b and like it,had to pick up some Calmag to run with it.
i use pondzyme and aquashield, the addition of pondzyme made a huge root difference. sweet is carbs for buiding buds, not roots. i use only botan pro line and my own recipe, let me know if you want to try it.Thanks Super! I use Aquashield for my roots. Do you think that is enough or should I get something like your pondzyme with barley? I was thinking about purchasing some "sweet" for food to help the roots, would you recommend that?
i use pondzyme and aquashield, the addition of pondzyme made a huge root difference. sweet is carbs for buiding buds, not roots. i use only botan pro line and my own recipe, let me know if you want to try it.
you are correct, but the majority goes to good use. testing without sweet in my recipe was surprisingly different in aroma, taste and appeal. but i am a huge believer in beneficials, it is immediate difference in plants root systems.
thats weird, i tried sugar daddy and liked sweet better. which one did you use? i only use the sweet raw.
I used Sweet Citrus and Raw both, the Raw gave me the more apparent taste of something weird. I had some friends try them too, same strain one with sweet and one with Sugar Daddy and one with Superlicious. I grow buckets nows so they all had their own res and they all cured/dried same way. They looked identical also. My buddies all said they felt the Sweet had a more harsh taste of the three and the others they could pick out flavors more easily with the others as well. They did not know which one was sweet, sugar daddy etc.. neither until they were done with all three.
that looks like normal coloring from nutes and smell sounds right. try pondzyme, its cheap and works.
One strain im running was showing cal deficiency in it it cleared it up quickglad to hear you like the a/b Toasty. What does adding the calmag do for you