blz bud, strawberry haze, the church, and 3 bagseed


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the cops pinching you:( Yours may be going purple because of heat and cold fluctuation between day and night? Mine never went purple and i used purple maxx as well so I dunno on that one haha.

as for Jdoob yes I do top, always have probably always will just a preference.

The nutes I used on this grow I had in the journal was fox farm tiger bloom, big bloom, beastie bloomz, and cha ching as well as humboldts purple maxx, snowstorm ultra and gravity..I will more then likely switch over and give humboldts organic nutrients line up a shot, seems with the FF the ph likes to get out of wack on me. I used fox farm ocean forest and light warrior 50/50 mix. Which in the newest seedlings I started last week I actually mixed Roots organic with fox farm ocean forest on a 70/30 mix and havent had any problems at all with nutrient burn from seed like I have with the light warrior and ocean forest mix. FF runs pretty hott>.<