Bob Bitchen's buds

speaking of the cloner, I checked the CP clones this morning and they didn't look good, a closer check shows spider mites,sprayed down the entire tent (veg) and dipped the clones & pulled the mom from the flower tent & sprayed her.
Sorry bob. Seems like every damn pest under the sun likes ca... I think I warned you I thought I had something?? I ended up nuking my entire garden with pure 3way last night...
i know doc. hate them. ... I had them 2 years ago. then just recently apparently. I wasnt sure because I could see them and had no webs. . Seems sometimes they can just show up out here. I had also ran out of pure 3way and was not giving preventive sprays for a few months. I even spray the outside of the shed every month w other stuff.

after the new year I will be getting the garden the whole pure nutrient line up for defense... LOL
looks like SM & thripes? long thin white/ whiteish green, I dont see wings though,

All I have on hand is GoGnats (cedar oil, says works on mites also)
and Mighty wash
steeping some chili oil now

I found some more on the FB moms lower leaves, Im gonna pull again & spay some more
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