Every time I see that pic,it just makes me smile......from ear to ear.
How was the smoke on her,if you remember?
beautiful Gigg's
what is it ?
The name was platinum Fire....but that name was taken..beautiful Gigg's
what is it ?
Wow....sounds just like what I'm getting from this cut im running now,she has no purp tho..Dude I can't ever forget that girl! She smelled like straight up burnt popcorn when she was finished with a nice sweet fuely smell. The smoke was extremely dense and very smooth, lil cough on the exhale that left you feeling great and was an instant hit to the dome. 5 minutes later you could feel it in your legs and body. Cured to be some very nice fruity/coffee tone nugs with some chem undertones.
I'd kill to have her back! Even something remotely close, she was deff very FAK leaning...
The name was platinum Fire....but that name was taken..
So she gos by yoga flame.
Wow....sounds just like what I'm getting from this cut im running now,she has no purp tho..
yea @genuitythat is a nice cross Gen. You have been killing it with the pics of it. still have like two or three of your cases i have not gotten to.
thank you JD, glad you're here, I love your workBetter later than never!) Great work Bob!