Bob Bitchen's buds

I just googled it. Looks pretty cool. Could be something to get in the future. no more finger tests or lifting the pot.

The big buds gotta make the bud heavy. They're full of water after all. Would make flower watering less of a guessing game.
Yea it looks like it would take some of the guess work out on if they are staying moist enough or drying out,I'd like to read that link

Does it measure the entirety of the soil moisture? Or just the top two inches?
There's an XL version that is longer, for larger pots. The clay part is where the soil tries to pull water out of the tensio meter (have to fill it with water) which causes a pressure inside. In the drip version it pulls open a membrane opening the drip channel, in the meter is a pressure sensor. It may seem that means it measures only a small area but that's not really the case if you water fairly evenly. It takes about an hour or two to settle after watering and then the measurement will be fairly even if you move it to a different spot (which I don't recommend, best to leave it where it is, use one pot as reference). I used mine, the regular version, in 1Liter to 7 gallon pots. Used it for years, still do especially early on since I'm still using different soil every run.

What's more important than the values itself (that differ per soil, and after a while per meter) is the difference since last watering. I.e. if you water and it says 10, then the next days says 100, you can water till to aim for 10 again. If it's however only 20 or still 10 the next day, don't water it. It's a rather simple but clever piece of equipment that when used correctly can be very insightful. Tuning the wet dry cycle without getting to wet/dry, running a little dryer during the night (important for me especially when it gets cold at night), shows nicely when they have transpiration problems from other reasons then overwatering (suddenly drink less yet is not on zero or very low) or really done at the end, or when they really start drinking more during peak flower. Also 'showed' me plants do want water at night.

There's an XL version for the Tropf version too, depending on the pot size those may be a requirement to get it dialed in (else the top layer stays wet and the bottom dry, great for gnats, not for the plant).
Thanks for coming in and clarifying. I know what I said about them measuring water tension around the carrots wasn't correct but I didn't know how to say it the right way because I don't know how these meters work.

Well, now I do!


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@foreverflyhi - donated a few Blumats to me and I am thinking about hooking some up.

I would love to dial in a sweet spot for my perfect strain with the following parameters strictly maintained:

  • Soil moisture
  • Soil pH
  • Soil temperature
  • Brix
  • CO2
  • Light output (PAR)
  • Light period
  • Nutrient availability
  • Air movement/RH
Am I missing anything?

Finally got the blumats in the pots, adjustment time..
What is your " Perfect " strain Mo?
Am I missing anything?
Air temperature. And, combined with RH, the VPD, e.g:

I'm going to set up automatic watering (soil pots and hempy/perlite containers) using a cycle timer that supports seconds. Things used to be pricey but found a cheap one on amazon: Ordered one to try, but will probably build a few of these into my closets walls.
@foreverflyhi - donated a few Blumats to me and I am thinking about hooking some up.

I would love to dial in a sweet spot for my perfect strain with the following parameters strictly maintained:

  • Soil moisture
  • Soil pH
  • Soil temperature
  • Brix
  • CO2
  • Light output (PAR)
  • Light period
  • Nutrient availability
  • Air movement/RH
Am I missing anything?


Are you still in contact with him. I haven't spoken to flyhi since last Christmas. I lost his number and he's never on here anymore either.
It was around the same time. I was in SD today and was going to look him up. Ended up just going out to lunch and heading home.
Does your list cover quality of light Mo? Frequency.

I am thinking of the T8/T5 People who have those bulb arrays that
allow them to sprinkle in Deep-Reds and UV-Blues.

Great work SG. Hoping that the transitions have finished up cleanly.
