Bob Bitchen's buds

Looking good in there Bob. Better dig out the blumats ;) Hoping we have a better season than last year, supposed to get a first dusting tonight/tomorrow :D

Mammoth opens tomorrow, they only got a dusting the last couple of weeks, they are making snow though. Im gonna skip this opening & the weekend, & go up for a few days next week.
I'll have to dig deep for the blumats, I dont have a clue as to where I stashed them :?..
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200+mg. caps, :shock:..........I'll be cutting in half, maybe 1/3's
my edible tolerance is waaaaay low since heart attack
Lol, half at least bob, I'm still taking 80'sh every night for maintenance and they still get me buzzed, if I smoke anything with them I'm tripping pretty good. Last batch was 90's and definitely felt those, the head nods at 3-4 hours were uncontrollable :sleep: