Bodhi DLA 7 and Healing Hashplant LED Grow


Well-Known Member
7 weeks since 12/12
The girls are alive and kicking, albeit mangled. The smell has progressed to add some sweet notes to pungent earth/musk, it smells quite amazing actually, but hard to tell what's what, because of 2 different strains. Heavenly Hashplant seems to be closer than the DLA 7. I only plan on using big bloom every other watering until the end. Top dressed with earthworm castings a few weeks back and that was it. I don't want to mess them up more, by trying to fix issues.

Heavenly Hashplant

DLA 7 ( Old Mother Ghani x 88 G13 HP )

Side by side
DLA has spear shaped buds, that if I get them fattened up, should yield nicely. Main cola alone is like a foot long and leaning, might have to stake it.


Well-Known Member
So I took a tiny sample from DLA7 out of curiosity, dried it for 3 days and rolled a tiny joint with it. Despite the harshness, I was really pleased with how much flavor it already has at 7 weeks. Tastes better than the stuff I pay ~250$ for. Really looking forward to the harvest now


Well-Known Member
Made it through yet another week. 9 weeks since the gradual flip.
I took some crappy pics in a hurry, been kinda crazy today.
Checked trichomes on Heavenly Hashplant couple days ago when I took a small tester and she wasn't ready. I intend to check both plants next time I pull them out for watering. Hopefully they will finish soon, because the smell is getting pretty bad, I mean good :weed:

She's been leaning lately, which tells me that she's packing on some weight.

Heavenly Hashplant
HHP with Roleadro lights OFF. pretty cool colors on her
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Well-Known Member
I can't believe I'm posting this but these gals have made it through week 10.
DLA 7 is taking her sweet ass time, Heavenly Hashplant however is in the window of taking I believe

DLA 7 P1000765.JPGP1000766.JPGP1000767.JPG

Heavenly Hashplant

Close up of HHP
Just beautiful... despite the overall necrosis


Well-Known Member
They came down this morning, 1 day shy of 11 weeks. I tried the "darkness period" thing for the first time, they spent 48hrs in the dark but idk if it made any difference.


Heavenly Hashplant



The tester that I took here and there from both these girls had very distinct "perfume" palate with other goodness mixed in.
I'll post again after they're dried and trimmed
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Well-Known Member
DLA7 yielded slightly more at 2oz than HHP (Purplish stuff). Overall, I'm not complaining, but there's definitely lot of room for improvement.

Earlier today, I had just finished rolling some DLA7 when my in law came around saying it smelled like a skunk, he was hoping we didn't have one in the basement :lol:
HHP is kind of weird, it's not that great on the nose, but surprises you when you break it up. Normally, with the bought stuff, it's the opposite. It smells great, but when you smoke it, there's not much flavor :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
Hey man, good job getting a couple nice plants all the way through, despite the issues!

I found your thread while researching the Heavenly Hashplant, as I'm currently on the hunt for a nice heavy Indica effect. Got the HHP and Pillow Book to work with next.

Got any new thoughts after a month now in the jar, on both of those that you ran? I also have Dread Bread and Mango Hashplant, so I'd be interested in your thoughts on that DLA7 too.

Did you get those hermie sacks plucked off in time, or did you end up with a few free beans? A lot of times, they'll stop throwing em once you pick the first few. Otherwise, they shouldn't herm if you can avoid the PH? issues next run, if you kept them.

If you didn't keep them, what's on the lineup next?

Good luck with whatever it is!