Bodhi seeds lemon lotus

10/20: Well, been a wile! Procrastinated but not forgotten. #3,4,5 all confirmed males. 1,2&6 have gotten big n bushy! F68D47A5-2A93-4A5A-B8AA-D072238B7E91.jpeg#1, up on the chopping block about to get cloned and pruned. Meant to take a pre/post pic of each but forgot the post on 1 and the pre on 2 so just use your imagination! 71A7AB29-73E6-453F-AF8A-974D48E09ACD.jpeg#2 post clone and prune. Sadly, these girls got a tad neglected on account uh outdoor harvest season turning me into the zombie trimmer for 2 weeks. 27AF0238-70B7-4F39-8EDA-6AA27DFD82B7.jpeg11B022E5-3044-4A29-BC3C-F062763A9698.jpeg I remembered both shots with #6! Shes a tall lanky girl, somewhat of my doing. Seems like she would be a vertical grower anyway but i have ways to make them shrubs. I did take alot off but thats ok because shell have a couple weeks to recover. So i took 2 cuttings of each and transplanted 1&2 into their flower pots as theyll be going into flower as early as 10/27 but it will depend on how i think theyre doing. Id like to hit them with bloom khaos foliar a couple times before i flip them and dont like to feed too heavy right after a transplant. With the transplant i watered them with some aloe, fulvic/humic(zeus juice), kelp(poisidezyme), yucca and bone meal(herculean harvest). B6B51B06-704F-40B7-A594-5238FD19B4F9.jpeg#2s roots. This is what i want to see when i transplant into the flowering pot. A nice dense root mass through and through. #1&6 did not look as stellar as this but were fine. With a scalpel i removed the 4 “caps” of roots that were the bottom of the pot and scored all 4 sides with an “x”, not too deep. When theres a root mass this full and dense the plants dont even notice. They will be quickly replaced by 2 right behind them and pick right up on growing. I also dusted all surfaces with mykos wp. F0295AAE-DD7B-4C06-A5C8-756A2B2A5AD2.jpeg#1&2 in their new and final home, topped off with some gnat nix and indicator cards. The biggest problem created by my neglect was a fungus gnat problem i had all but solved went nuts. Not a big deal with girls this size as because i keep them in the smallest size container i can, they drink enough so that the soil dosnt stay wet enough for those little bastards to thrive. Unfortunately, it took its toll on a few of my seedlings and clones. All sorted now, back on track with no losses but i do have a couple sad pandas. I have gnat nix, cards and running BTI on everything now. No fucking around! Dont mess with my seedlings. So i have a clusterfunk coming down 10/25 which will open a slot for these 2. The other half of the tent has 2 phenos of more cowbell that are 3 weeks behind the clusterfunk. When those 2 come down, ill plug in #6 and a goji og my buddy just gifted me! So yeah, thats all for now!
10/27: 1&2 flipped. Day 1 of 12/12. Both were given full strength early flower feeding and bloom khaos foliar on 10/25 and essential oil pest treatment 10/26. Aact foliar and soil drench today. Will give another eopt tomorrow followed by another full feed and bk foliar 10/29. Both resumed normal growth quickly. I wouldve liked to have given them a couple more days to recoup but after getting everything in veg back on track my veg area was quickly consumed with vegetation. Pics will come!
10/29: well, started my ipm of the whole veg area and planned on hitting these 2 later when i was working on stuff in flower and ran out of spray 2/3 of the way through. Rosemary and peppermint oil have been ordered, should get here pretty quick. I dont want these to get too far along when using this stuff. Pics as promised9274A31E-0F8B-47A5-B941-FA12D49E6A57.jpeg C5431048-7260-4517-8793-E1DC2CC01328.jpegheight from the bottom of the pot is about 20”, plus the 1.5” for the drip trays. Awesome trays i found, made locally. 13x13 and plenty of room for watering to runoff and i will do 2 herculean harvest flushes during their flowering so the deep trays are great. The scrog frame is at 26” i think, pretty much max for this tent without having to dim the lights. I havnt strung it yet but i will shortly. It seems to be at the right height but i can adjust it if i need to when the 2 more cowbells nextdoor come down.
Lookn nice. I've NVR grown bodhi either. But have a few packs. I use syringes too for babies. I use em from kids medicine and stuff. We get one or two every time one of my kids gets sick. I have like 3,582 of them lol. But I'll be warchin. Subbed up. Good luck with the grow.
Lookn nice. I've NVR grown bodhi either. But have a few packs. I use syringes too for babies. I use em from kids medicine and stuff. We get one or two every time one of my kids gets sick. I have like 3,582 of them lol. But I'll be warchin. Subbed up. Good luck with the grow.
Thank you! I hear that with the kids, im over that hump now though. They grow up quick. What do you have for bodhi gear? You wont be disappointed, this is my 4th strain of his and i just popped my 5th.
11/1: did some LST to 6, she seems like a leggy one and im worried about how much shell stretch. 10 more days until i can flip so ill continually top her to keep her at 18”. She may end up taking 1/2 a tentE294B114-C49D-40AF-98A2-3499D3CD23A0.jpegC1C4F877-681A-47E8-BEFE-1362A6BE9F8F.jpeg in the background, goji og left, appalachian superskunk right. The 2 LL in flower did not drink as much as anticipated and are just today getting their second full feeding and BK foliar. They have been growing though and look great. 1EA9E9D3-62BF-4D16-A001-D8FEB294CB38.jpegC00D4764-11B5-4B93-9E6E-8D4080F15E8A.jpeg 5451A162-03CF-4057-88B4-441DA6EF1426.jpeg1 looks bigger than 2 in these pics but they are very close in size. Im going to try to keep braches from too close to the walls of the tent but these are pretty good sized, can only do so much. Day 3 of flower
11/1: did some LST to 6, she seems like a leggy one and im worried about how much shell stretch. 10 more days until i can flip so ill continually top her to keep her at 18”. She may end up taking 1/2 a tentView attachment 4036555View attachment 4036556 in the background, goji og left, appalachian superskunk right. The 2 LL in flower did not drink as much as anticipated and are just today getting their second full feeding and BK foliar. They have been growing though and look great. View attachment 4036597View attachment 4036598 View attachment 40365991 looks bigger than 2 in these pics but they are very close in size. Im going to try to keep braches from too close to the walls of the tent but these are pretty good sized, can only do so much. Day 3 of flower
i like the addition of the airpots in there sir... are they placed upside down for a reason? i use zip ties instead of the supplied screws, the plastic has gotten thinner over the years, and it rips the cones over time.
i like the addition of the airpots in there sir... are they placed upside down for a reason? i use zip ties instead of the supplied screws, the plastic has gotten thinner over the years, and it rips the cones over time.
Dont think theyre upside down. Maybe wrapped in reverse? Closed row up tp, open row bottow right?
my bad, you are correct, i apologize. i just wrap the other way and have my ties/screw up top. i wonder if it is any easier to transplant using them the way you. i will try soon.
My whole theory on getting them was ease of transplant and building roots. Figured i would have a nice little root ball plug i could unwrap and stick in the dirt.
11/4: end of week 1, ended up given em 2 good hot dinners and BK foliar. Did a little lollipopping and nipped a couple ambitious tops off. I know its not the best practice but i really need to be cautious of height. I will do a final clean up at the end of week 3. E6AF0083-D7FC-4CE9-B95D-D5C884CEC858.jpegD79DE9F2-AECA-4E59-A254-5E1112EFED26.jpeg47B96F32-CF43-464F-8F77-AA045EAC5C40.jpegLooking good. So far this strain has been a pleasure. #6 will get flipped this thursday. My other tent is all getting harvested and ill clean it up for the next batch.
11/6: another full feed and BK foliar. They each took 1 liter with little runoff which tells me they have a nice healthy root system going. It wont be long before theyll be taking that liter every day.
11/7: AACT today. They had a big drink yesterday so no real need to water but i like to at least give them something for a little boost in microbes. Gave them each 250ml. I brew once a week to give to everybody in the garden.
3 gal water, dechlorinated
2 cups worm castings
1 tbsp zeus juice
1 tbsp liquid kelp extract
1 tbsp persephones palate
1 tbsp tritons trawl
1 tbsp molasses. Mix and aerate for 24 hrs +/-. After 24 hrs i add 2ml mammoth p and 1 tbsp slf-100. I will sometimes foliar with this for a probiotic benefit. If using for foliar though, i would leave out the tritons trawl and cut back the WC. I also run it through a reusable coffee filter before it goes in my sprayer. The one i have nests perfectly in my funnel in the opening of my pump sprayer. The rain maker 1/2 gal wand sprayer is a nifty little unit. $15 bucks, easy to carry around, holds just the right amount and you can cut the wand to get it the perfect size. I cut mine so i have a short one and a long one depending on what im doing.
11/11: Day 15. Full feeding yesterday, a little top off with some herc and aphrodite today to compliment a bloom khaos foliar. This will be the last BK foliar, water in from here out. Looking happy and healthy, buds are starting to show. Dense foliag and a nice even canopy. Stretch has been minimal.
6B0DB226-485A-4C68-8AB3-4E851E6F5E8A.jpeg 440EFE1E-BA0E-4272-A5CE-ED3E8DF01AB6.jpeg #22AC1FC25-E045-4756-B5A5-9BF67A367FBC.jpeg 2014FB71-D07A-49A0-B0F9-5CD57E2499DB.jpeg a lovely canopy. Flipped with screen about 6” above the canopy. They still have like 3” to go. 201936D6-8145-49EB-8EDB-9A6CE0E9FFEC.jpeg
love the bushy structure, i get that on various strains when mainlining or diligent supercropping
I use the method of pinching the newest 2 fan leaves on every top that makes up the canopy. Slows vertical growth and lets everything else catch up. I find it more gentle than topping and also more productive. Seems to be a more even redistribution of auxins. With my seed run of more cowbell, i topped and topped and topped and all i had was a bunch of tall lanky mostly bare tops. I picked up this trick from grand master level on youtube and when i started using it on those i had nice little bushes in a couple weeks. The only problem i have with it is once in a wile ill get a stretch of a couple nodes that wont branch like they should so i get bare spots in the stems but the canopy soon consumes them so nbd. Lst and such takes up too much square footage. Training like this, by flower time they are only a little bigger on the perimeter than the container theyre in. These lemon lotus took to it rather well.
Apoalachian superskunk and redline genetics burning skull (starfighter x inferno og) the BS is from seed. This is what my canopy typically looks like in veg513A0819-9AE5-455F-9FE9-7CF057B7C111.jpegF2BB6C17-DC7F-4D2D-89D2-9474C746ED40.jpeg the 2 tops, left and right side of pic, will be in the mix of getting pinched next time i do so and are what i like to see when pinchingB3C7BB00-C5B2-4778-97EA-DACDC5AD059B.jpegglad you said something. This journal will be a reference for any future journals so i dont have to keep explaining the same thing to anyone that has questions about my tek. This method is a huge part of my method and the biggest reason i can do what i do with such limited space. 22.5 sqft of total growing space, 10 veg, 12.5 flower, currently maintaing 9 strains with room for cloning and popping new seeds. 1.5-2lbs per harvest if its a good run. Very little control of enviroment. No AC, no dehu, no co2. The down side, when i fuck up like i did during outdoor harvest, its a big set back. I have the third lemon lotus and a goji og going in next to these LL wednesday when i chop down 2 more cowbell and i have an empty tent that will be empty for probably 2 weeks. Fuck fungus gnats. Fuck them right where they eat.
Apoalachian superskunk and redline genetics burning skull (starfighter x inferno og) the BS is from seed. This is what my canopy typically looks like in vegView attachment 4042055View attachment 4042056 the 2 tops, left and right side of pic, will be in the mix of getting pinched next time i do so and are what i like to see when pinchingView attachment 4042059glad you said something. This journal will be a reference for any future journals so i dont have to keep explaining the same thing to anyone that has questions about my tek. This method is a huge part of my method and the biggest reason i can do what i do with such limited space. 22.5 sqft of total growing space, 10 veg, 12.5 flower, currently maintaing 9 strains with room for cloning and popping new seeds. 1.5-2lbs per harvest if its a good run. Very little control of enviroment. No AC, no dehu, no co2. The down side, when i fuck up like i did during outdoor harvest, its a big set back. I have the third lemon lotus and a goji og going in next to these LL wednesday when i chop down 2 more cowbell and i have an empty tent that will be empty for probably 2 weeks. Fuck fungus gnats. Fuck them right where they eat.
thank you for the experimentation, and going through it to produce great results
11/17: Day 22. Lots of bud production! Actually hoping for a little more stretch... not expected! But looking very good. I ended up lowering the screen. Wont be doing any training per se, but i do want to try to spread them out a little. Im hoping i can fill most of the canopy. This makes me consider for future grows instead of weaving to fill the canopy during stretch, pinching vigorously with the intent of occupying each hole with a top followed by a more aggressive lollipop. I will give these girls another day or 2 then lollipop. They are very dense, very little light penetration. This is also day 2 of lemon lotus #6 and my gifted cut of goji og. When i first got the goji, i topped it, using the top as a clone. It rooted very quickly and has been very vigorous. The smell coming off of her when i pinch is very sweet. Mmmmm.... raspberry. 8C79A78E-89E0-4E45-BFF8-B130132D0D9C.jpeg2D4543A2-F09E-42E6-A8FE-D49CB909C944.jpeg I acquired the goji og 10/23. Cut the clone 10/25? Id say it went into soil around 11/20BAFD169-B860-443C-8ACD-87406CEE3A3F.jpegC06A7FDD-00DB-4FC0-BEB9-C04C10A9AE08.jpeg around the same time i found this squirrel dead in my basement. Almost tripped on it. Scared the fucking shit out of me. 65BF1385-2479-4883-9E50-630DDAE045E1.jpegOverall it has outgrown every other clone taken 5 days before it. It also rooted before about half of the tray. I clone in batches but this needed to be topped and pruned, it was too big. Ill take it. Lets see how she do.