Hey calicat, no I haven't popped any archive gear yet. But from what I hear , faceoff bx2 " Stoney " plus I have access to alot archives gear from clone that a fellow grower is running. I'm pretty sure cdub lost his cut of Faceoff and I lost his cut too. Cdub is full of shit, just a heads up. If you know someone with a legit cut, grab it. And the OGKB archive is using is one of the favorites from the whole GSC family lines. Pretty sure it's the same cut Gage green was using. Hermie city for less experience growers, but hermies nonetheless. Loompas yeti og f3s has the taste and smell that would satisfy any og head, just not as potent, the high wears off quick. Everyone I know that's grown Valley Girl has kept her. Can't wait to get your feedback on bazooka joe. Sorry I went off topic somewhat , really medicated at the moment. Need to pop golden triangle soon, it keeps calling fore.. Lol.Gorgeous. Off topic as well. Have you cracked your Archive gear yet my man? I will have to consult with you how close their faceoff is to your old Cdub cut. I seen it ran but it was not in my garden so my info is limited in terms of overall garden time. For me bazooka joe and valley girl about a week pending sexing. Ty in advance.
Outdoor, SSDD and Dream Beaver. Madhamish awesome report on Dream Beaver is why this beauty gets some outdoor love.
A little off topic, but since this one of the only threads I frequent, Im about to place another order from canna seed center dot com. It's legit, stateside and no green tape. They are having freebie promo.. Too hard to pass up. Just email them about it.
Everyone I know that's grown Valley Girl has kept her.
K ty for info and that kind of goes hand in hand in what we all do. I have had the ogk cut better yields imo versus Kenny Power's( Berner's Cut) or the Forum Cut . The Ogk cut circulating in Redding and Bay Area was called Sugar Cookies. Mentioned it to Bodhi when he wanted to use that name for the Forum Cut vs SL Cross. You get a chance try the first legit Sugar Cookies creation. It taste like a damn snickerdoodle. Other cookie crosses you should check out is Wedding Cake and Key Lime Pie. I agree concerning that line but it is super clean just like Loompa's Headband was and still is. I take it your around Santa Ana to bring his name up since he lives really close to me. That is awesome feedback concerning Archive cuz I have a shit load of their gear coming. I have only had the pleasure in trying out their Grimace Og that a friend had me gander..Grape kool aid funkadelic action.Hey calicat, no I haven't popped any archive gear yet. But from what I hear , faceoff bx2 " Stoney " plus I have access to alot archives gear from clone that a fellow grower is running. I'm pretty sure cdub lost his cut of Faceoff and I lost his cut too. Cdub is full of shit, just a heads up. If you know someone with a legit cut, grab it. And the OGKB archive is using is one of the favorites from the whole GSC family lines. Pretty sure it's the same cut Gage green was using. Hermie city for less experience growers, but hermies nonetheless. Loompas yeti og f3s has the taste and smell that would satisfy any og head, just not as potent, the high wears off quick. Everyone I know that's grown Valley Girl has kept her. Can't wait to get your feedback on bazooka joe. Sorry I went off topic somewhat , really medicated at the moment. Need to pop golden triangle soon, it keeps calling fore.. Lol.
Brekfist , time to come back dude ..
Really,cuz mine seems like it's nitrogen sensitive.mine won't stop yellowing.I just put one snow queen into flower with 2 more as soon as I kick a male out or harvest something. Only been a week and unsexed but haven't had any issues at all with her
Here's some lucky rabbits foot superstitious.oh yeah seems like every plant had a purple, maroon tint to it, some super dank
OMG!!!LIKE ME TOO LMAO!sweet reds i just quick dried some and am now fucked up