bodhi seeds

i don't do it, although i have, but plants that veg under 24-0 do grow faster than 18-6 - that's a fact and there's nothing wrong with either preference - some ppl prefer 20-4 also and there's nothing wrong there either

it's a matter of preference and opinion but it all works
I'd agree they grow faster in veg on 24/0, but then when the flip comes the roots are undeveloped, leaving the plant to work harder to make good flowers. To me, it's just not worth it. Bigger plants don't mean better flowers. The fact is, happy plants need some rest.
Start a thread on @CopaGenetics'd be nice to see your work.

I just messaged a relatively important RIU member asking how I go about doing that. Although I do work with all kinds of strains from all kinds of breeders including rare landrace varietals, Bodhi seeds will always be in my roster and I plan on preserving some of the older, extremely rare Bodhi creations and giving them away as freebies. Hopefully all of this works out. :-D
Dumb question, but dontcha just click on the "Post Thread" or whatever green button at the top of the Breeders and Seed Reviews section?

One of us could just start a thread asking to see people's photos of Copa releases.
I just messaged a relatively important RIU member asking how I go about doing that. Although I do work with all kinds of strains from all kinds of breeders including rare landrace varietals, Bodhi seeds will always be in my roster and I plan on preserving some of the older, extremely rare Bodhi creations and giving them away as freebies. Hopefully all of this works out. :-D
I'm getting a good chuckle imagining relative importance. :lol:
Enjoying all the sharing going on here lately, thought I'd post some more pics...

One of 3 Peach Hashplants, hoping these come out as good as the ones AdvancedBuffalo has been posting. Probably a few weeks to go, nice size colas, fruity smell on this one. A little caterpillar damage on the left bud!
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Super Silver Hashplant, one of 2, both similar, nice big buds, with the lemon/lime Super Silver Haze smell. Similar smell to the Silver Mountain I grew a few years ago, but with denser and bigger buds.
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Chem D x SSDD, one of 2, both plants have nice structure, dense buds, and a chem smell, prob 3 or so weeks left till finish...pretty nice for a freebie!
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Nug shots! Woo!

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Peach Hashplant keeper

Peach terpenes on the front followed by a sour, then notes of Hashplant pepper and possibly some citrus developing over time. The peach smell is best before cure. It seems to be transitioning from sweet peach to sour peach during cure.

She has very rigid trichomes which leads me to believe that she doesn’t permeate terpenes much. The sour peach smell is there upon opening the jar, but is extremely “in your face” when grinding the bud. Seems like you have to break her down to really get the full terpene profile

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Black Triangle Keeper

Seems to be a Hashplant leaner in structure, terpenes, and TK brings the resin? I say resin? Because I’m not sure if the Hashplant dad or breeding moms bring resin. Usually the most frosty phenos are mom leaning in structure and terps, where the hashy smelling phenos are chunkier and have less leaf resin. This has led me to believe that moms seem to bring the resin in Hashplant crosses. But I’m not seeing much TK in this girl. There is maybe a smooth OG front end on it and some earthiness? it has to cure more.

I trimmed this girl before I had to go in for a work shift and was told that I smelled like pungent weed. This just doesn’t happen with most modern hybrids.

The high on this point pheno was TK/G13HP balanced IMO. More energetic/focus/calming “get stuff done” high in the first 45 min followed by a smooth transition to relaxation and bedtime. Perfect after work strain to get daily stuff done and enjoy your night. No couch lock, just relaxing.

I finished testing the other 4 phenos and I wasn’t very thrilled. Two were very earthy and TK structure dominant. High on those was calming but not exactly interesting. No nuances or special characteristics. The other two were very frosty but horribly low yielders. Those had better OG type terpenes and were more potent.. But the couch lock effects were too much. My selected pheno, in my opinion, brings the yield and structure of the hashplant, plus the high of the TK without serious compromise. Terpenes need to develop in cure

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Electric Cowboy Keeper

This one is an absolutely beautiful pheno. Pure OG terpenes through and through. The smell up front is oily rag with brake cleaner, with some sour citrus notes behind. Slight earth as with everything Hashplant related.

First smoke test was great, OG type high with a steady relaxed but uplifted effect until bed time. I didn’t seem to detect any increased energy. If you are tired, expect to be more tired with this one. If you are awake and energetic, expect a “cruising down the road on a warm day with the windows down” feeling.

More testing needed on this one but I think it is a solid keeper.

That’s all that is dry enough for cure at this point. More to come in the future.
Stop taking up the thread with your bag weed pic bro :)
Most of you have years and years more experience than I do, but I ran my veg tent 24/0 for a while and if anything it seemed like it was slowing some plants down. Not sure if it had to do with the age of the plant (I had seedlings and teens together) or if it was strain dependent, but some would basically just start to lose vigor. Droopy leaves, fading color, takes longer to respond to watering, etc. They just seemed 'tired'. Whenever I turned the lights off for the night they seemed to come back stronger the next day. JME. Could be all in my head.
Whatever the cause for root growth, I will say this...there has been a STRONG correlation between the health of my roots and the quality of my buds. I sometimes feel like roots are the unsung heroes of cannabis, quietly doing all the hard work below the surface and out of site. There should be a cup category for most impressive rootball.
Black Triangle
It really pulled triangle on this pheno as its dense solid rocks like my cannaventure lvtk cuts, not very smelly, im very excited to go through more phenos after seeing this potential

I been running 24/0 for 10 years hundreds of plants, so far no probs with most of those hours under the sun, ran a timer once and saw no differance, i dunno...Think im a put the timer back anyhow since I did buy it

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Second Starflight Guava clone getting some fall colors
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Blueberry Hashplant clone, have had this keeper for 6+ years, strong berry smell, early finisher, dense buds, resistant to pm, heavy yields
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Pineapple Hashplant, one of the first Bodhi packs I ever bought, planted my last 3 seeds this spring and got one female. Smelling of overripe pineapple, not the biggest buds in the garden, but nice and dense, also looking to finish early
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Really torn about this Copa freebie business. As much as I want him to succeed, I hope GLG doesn't sell out before the 1st. Would like to try out both of his bitches. Those Ancient OG f3 though. Oh boy.

@CrunchBerries Both!

To someone that asked about DLA 12 again. Most common were open/stretchy types that produced loose "wand" type buds where the buds elongated to cover most of the internodal space for the upper third of the plants. Less common was the typical sparse bush hashplant types with grenade/clump/golfball type buds. Most all had spicy hash scents like incense burning in a mechanics shop. Weird greasy smell. You don't pop these for terps though, its all about that crazy head high. Which is superb for most all examples regardless of structure. Some late nanners and immature seeds on a few, but this in no way detracted from the quality of those that didn't.

T5s are based af and supremely badass for the right application.

To all: Weather here has been a particularly fierce foe this year and is forcing the dreaded too early for most harvest. Will be lurking when I can, but not posting much. Hope you all have a wonderful fall. Keep planting those seeds.

Edited: for bowl thought.

It occurs to me that for brevity sake the outcomes usually outweigh the minutiae that people often seek here. So to better convey what DLA 12 is like, Taller plants where 8-10" with open sativa like structure with dominant cola. Medium dark, thin, & sparsely leaved. Began to yellow around week 7-8, guano/kelp tea stopped progression suggesting high P requirements(opinion). Branching was strong and self supporting in high wind.
Smaller pants were typical 6-8" umbrella/orb hashplant types, these were thankfully the tight node expression and didn't suffer from droopy buds. Bulletproof start to finish. Dark green foliage with purple blushings appearing around late September.
Taller plants went to second week of November. Were ready at halloween though.
Smaller were pulled Oct 17. I like amber. At 35 North. All organic, mostly, lol. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the great information I’m excited to pop them
I'd definitely go for the Ancient OG.

If you grow outdoors go for the AOG, if you grow indoors go for the Goji. If you do both, I would run AOG. The goji is great but not a huge producer but the high is amazing. The AOG has be a pleasantly uplifting slightly giggly high as well... definitely social weed and I dont say that too often. Secret Chief F2 freebs are almost ready. I am foaming at the mouth waiting for the smoke testing!

I know 3 or 4 advanced growers that are absolutely killing the Peach HP and one even said it is mildly trippy/forgetfull. Wooooohoooooo!
How much do you outdoor growers yield per plant normally? I know it prob varies based on plant.
it is variable... depends on a lot of things, but you can have one person grow one plant in one area, and another grow the same plant in a different area, and have very different outcomes. Overall i'd say more than indoors, but it can range tremendously.
Outdoor: last few weeks before things have to come down, I have two bodhi plants this season, stinky unicorn and HAOG x ssdd

Stinky unicorn could go probably till the end of October but I don’t live in the tropics so that’s not going to work out lol. Anyways this girl has green leaves always praying dark purple flowers I love the structure on it, it is also the strongest floral/herbal/perfume smell I’ve ever smelled in a ganja plant, not sure I’ll keep it because if it can’t finish in time where I live it serves me no practical purpose.

Haog x ssdd. This plant has nice spacing on the branches and super frosty. Very white low to medium sized flowers. Smell is different everytime this plant has changed smells 10 times from seed lol. It’s not strong but I’ve gotten everything to nothing. I know the dry and cure will give me the true smell and flavor on the flower. I didn’t have clones of this and that’s fine I have more seeds to go through because this looks like a late October strain also.

Who had good luck with early finishers from the bodhi line? What did you grow? I’m going to keep exploring I prefer to do the work to get the eventual reward. But I know some may have a more consistent finish time which I’d love to hear about.

Shoutout to all the outdoor growers. Full sun no cover no fear. Bless your garden and harvest.