Weird fight to pick. What's to gain? I feel you, I really do, but... They have the "right" to boot your ass for zero reason if that is their prerogative. They can do what they want to do. Their prerogative.

that Bobby Brown song will be stuck in my mind for days now... Websites are someone else's property. You play there by grace alone.
The brother gifted 2 packs my way! BLF and Choc D. Did he start a business? If these black lime fantasy smoke as nice as they look, I'd consider shifting monetary units his direction. He could have walked among us for the remainder of his days with pockets overflowing with beans passed freely. Just a quiet little "beans..?" Here and there. And if starting a monetary venture? Well, grease the wheel so that it turns smoothly on the shaft, or else there will be resistance and friction.

I'm inside with the Lazy Lightning,DLA6,and OM4 that I grew outside in summer. The LL is a heavier feeder. Anyone confirm this? I'm growing the rest of the pack out and would like to adjust without the guessing game.