I use a oxycloner for 2 years near continious, I plumbed it with 2 fittings that pump to a water chiller....That being said im currently going through a problem where 2 batches had 5% success rate...
I was nearly done steralizing yesterday and I weighted down the cover with a gallon of lost coast therapy and I came back and wtf.....My gallon self imploded and who knows how much spilt into my cloner.....So today I replaced all the tubing to my pumps....
I also broke a half inch fitting on my chiller, the very fitting thats been in my amazon cart for a year for $8 that I watched get sold out, thank god i had a two 3/4 fitting and 2 ft of new hose...Next time cut the hose dont pull and twist
Im so stressed out as im over a month behind in clones.. Sometimes it clones better with nothing but ph water used.....Use pool shock to make your own clear rez....You start with 100% success and it will slowly deteriorate so you need to steralize...I circulate bleach after every run but needless to say I still get occassional problems and im currently up shit creek with a ton of new csi gear and no clones
I also stopped adding any nutrients to my cloner, I change my water on friday and monday and wash my airlines and tub at the same time
Warm water is faster roots but possibly more problems
If you follow the PermaClone methods, there is no need to rinse or break-down your system between cycles. It's a dump, circulated sterilizer of choice, sterilize collars, and start your next cloning cycle! Don't shelf your cloner! Don't switch to peat plugs or rockwool! ..I'm here to help...
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