bodhi seeds

There is no money value. Some plants from those packs are priceless. Some are worthless (in my eyes.) I'm not complaining about price point. I'm saying how crazy it is that any seed would cost that much, much less anything more. But, prohibition and rarity and human nature.
A pound of weed should cost about as much as a pound of wheat. A seed should cost around $5/100. There should be so much around that you have to move it somewhere else just to get shit done.
But the price is whatever you will pay and that is fine. Money is an idea. It is only inside our heads. You don't have to view the world through that filter.
Look I can see your point of view. It sucks that eventually the cannabis market will be overtaken by large companies only out to make a buck.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'money is an idea'. Can you explain that further? Just stop and think how useful money is. Do you want to try and buy a gallon of gas with 100 of your seeds or a $5 bill?

It's not a filter. It's reality.
I was lucky enough to get in on this one. I was logged in and ready when notice came. It cost me more than money though, I took a write-up at work for dropping everything to place my order. Ooops
My sympathy to those who missed it. Maybe we should all blow up avenues of communication with Bodhi for proper sized releases of these works. If Zap, and Metal Haze were dropped in the same quantities that his Wookie and HP crosses are, they wouldn't sell out in 10 minutes..imho

After some digging I found reference that MM001 / MM002 are Vietnamese x Thai and Big Sur Nigerian x Thai. No information so far on which is which or release size..

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cool beans!
Yo, chill out a bit dude. The guy who asked for Headie Gardens website didn't tag BadDawg, and that's who I was asking about. You guys and SimpleBox can have your pissing match all you want, I'm just wondering if I should give this other dude Shoe's email.

Don't quote me if you're referring to someone else. Again, I swear if y'all posted as much about your grows as you did about buying seeds....

And looking again, the other idiot was throwing shade at BadDawg too. :roll: Anyways, moving on....
Don't quote me if you're referring to someone else. Again, I swear if y'all posted as much about your grows as you did about buying seeds....

And looking again, the other idiot was throwing shade at BadDawg too. :roll: Anyways, moving on....
Well I quoted you because I was asking you, specifically, a question, but for whatever reason, my intended inuqiry seems to have missed its mark. And I still don't see the shade, just a dude who said he missed out on some beans because he had issues using a website, which, if that's throwing shade these days... damn.

But it's whatever. Hopefully everyone who's pissed off at Bohdi, or in defense of Bohdi, smokes some Bohdi, and enjoys the rest of the evening. I've been reminded of why I only visit a few select threads here these days.
Money is an idea. A tool to use as a placeholder for perceived/agreed value. It is using materials found in the natural world for its bills and coins to express notions of value. What's the intrinsic value of a seed? Food right now, or the usefulness of the plant that grows. A dead seed is of little value. Yet you would pay the same amount of money to find out. What's the money value of a seed? Depends how much hype is attached
Yes, I am glad to not have to trade in weight of rocks, sexual activity, gold chain, livestock, or what have you.
"It is as real as you make it."
I don't understand.... If everyone is growing as good as they claim...Then everyone should be mellow with good energy&good vibes. IMHO I believe the hostility comes from mediocre smoke & small minded people that would rather bagder another person Then help. because they'd liked to feel important or have some type of self worth you get out of life what you put in I believe if everyone treated each day like it was there 1st we wouldn't have so much hostility towards people we most likely will never meet past this place of peace (RIU) Everyone has a 1st day somewhere...Excuse the long speech I sucked in English because I'm American
What in the heck, people? Despite the "Troll it Up" label that gets slapped on this place sometimes, it seems to me most people here manage to be fairly civil most of the time. Maybe do more of that and less of whatever the hell the last few pages of this thread have been.
One Temple of Apollo (Temple x Apollo 11 F3 genius pheno) female. Quick growing sativa hybrid (cut @ 9ish wks) with a sharp citrus-ammonia aroma and a hazey, green apple Jolly Rancher flavor. Pretty decent tasting, that typical sativa herbal sharpness with strong haze & green melon tones, with a touch of butter grapefruit rind. The buzz is where this plant had me though…amazing uplifting and social stimulation, makes you very talkative and engaged. Brightens your mood instantly with clear-headed mental enhancement. Potent as fuck but very functional at the same time, I absolutely love this kind of buzz. You’re so high but able to give a presentation in front of your boss, with a big ole smile on your face the whole time. After a couple hours it settles into a daydreamy introspection, which again I love. Great bag appeal too, very frosty with those long stalked trichomes that sativas are known for and bold orange hairs contrasting the forest green leaves. Looks real similar to RBJF’s Apollo 11 F4 on IG. Popped 4 seeds and this was the lone female. I wonder what other combinations can be found in this line. A77464B3-2EFD-4262-8DD7-C8428FAE7260.jpeg02FC8F3A-8A0D-47DB-87F8-C5ED8EDA2E76.jpeg02CCF9BB-F131-4301-989E-19669A404BFC.jpeg79ADD363-3550-40B5-A852-BD66425067E4.jpeg81E07580-7B0E-4322-AF8E-DF95321201AC.jpeg6F351220-E145-42E4-8AB8-854B82BBBFDF.jpeg3A91C22C-A29A-42BC-9332-942F1EC9B416.jpeg86AF808C-B3F6-4AC2-A702-FF9412DB1CE0.jpeg