bodhi seeds

Most of Bodhis strains will yield well. But Pura Vida is at the bottom of the list. I remember reading some test grows saying it didn't yield as good as the others.

I would choose one that has an appy dad as I believe most of them will yield a little more on average. And in my opinion they all have quality, it just depends on what you want. But for best yielders I would choose Prayer Tower, Silver Mountain, Dream Beaver, Dream Lotus, Blueberry Hashplant, Dragon Fruit, Mountain Temple, Snow Leopard, Synergy, Fuzz, and Moontang. That is just a few to take a look at. And most of those will be up at the top in the yield department. Other then the blue dream hybrids there I think the best couple yielders will be Prayer Tower, and Silver Mountain. Either way, all of those will serve you well.

Almost any strain will actually be fine, it just depends on how you grow it, and your skill with it, and what phenotype you get. Some do tend to yield better then others on average though.
I can attest to cloning in a cup of water. That's my usual method and it works well. The process is the same as cloning with rockwool or rapid rooters low light levels and change water out and they root usually within 2-3 weeks. My Platinum Delights is pretty quick between 7-10. I like this method but it's slow now that I have plenty space to run plants so I'll be making a cloner to speed things up a bit and keep my month perpetual cycle going

Took cuttings earlier and I am trying this method out. I figured the way I was doing it wasn't working so it wouldn't hurt to try a new method. I took eight cuttings and put two in my aero, two in jiffy pellets and four in water. I only need one to clone, so hopefully I will be good. Thanks to you and Doctor Frost for the advice.
Between the types mentioned, some are bushes, some are bean poles... yield is about how we dial 'em in... rather get the high and flavor you want those can't change, but you can push yield. If I could buy any type to roll the dice on for all aspects being present, taste, potency and yield... SYNERGY is a fucking masterpiece.
Glad I could help!

And Yea Hamish, I have seen some massive Synergy girls. They tend to look a lot more indica structured then the other larger yielders which seem to be more Sativa dominant (Prayer Tower, Silver Mtn, Dream Lotus etc.). Any plant can be trained, it just depends on how it responds to it and what type of training is best for each.

Almost everything I run I top at least once, stretchy sativas get topped another time or 2. Don't want to top bushy indicas too much or else you may end up having to cut off about 100 tops (did that way too many times, worst one is C99 even tho it is Sativa it loves making tops and becoming a stretchy bush). Then I always bend them over and break them as they grow, and also train during first parts of flower to bend and break, and tie branches where I want them, and stake if need be. I haven't had one plant yet that didn't respond fairly well and make a bunch of nice tops. I hate letting a plant just go with no training, just doesn't look right to me.
Glad I could help!

And Yea Hamish, I have seen some massive Synergy girls. They tend to look a lot more indica structured then the other larger yielders which seem to be more Sativa dominant (Prayer Tower, Silver Mtn, Dream Lotus etc.). Any plant can be trained, it just depends on how it responds to it and what type of training is best for each.

Almost everything I run I top at least once, stretchy sativas get topped another time or 2. Don't want to top bushy indicas too much or else you may end up having to cut off about 100 tops (did that way too many times, worst one is C99 even tho it is Sativa it loves making tops and becoming a stretchy bush). Then I always bend them over and break them as they grow, and also train during first parts of flower to bend and break, and tie branches where I want them, and stake if need be. I haven't had one plant yet that didn't respond fairly well and make a bunch of nice tops. I hate letting a plant just go with no training, just doesn't look right to me.
My kind of grower here lol. If you don't fear the stretch, go snipe the Dirty Sanchez about to be listed on BreedBay if it isn't listed and gone already. I know that it will be BIN not auction too. Topped to eight colas each is as long as my arm and filling out very nicely. Damn impressive but not for sissies that moan about stretch.
The stretch don't bother me :) I actually like plants that stretch some. Saves me time in veg, and lets me have bigger plants in flower. I never much understood why people won't grow a certain plant because it stretches a lot. All you got to do is train it. Plants are so forgiving, it is amazing how they respond. Usually the branches I break end up with a huge ball swollen up where it is broke and it seems to me the buds are always bigger on those branches that I do break. It could be all in my head, but it doesn't appear that way. I love training the way I do. It lets me grow a non stretching indica right next to a 3x stretch sativa. I have tried just about everything but SOG due to plant counts and my favorite is the way I do it now (topping, supercropping/breaking, trimming lower growth etc.), with SCROG a close 2nd. The Scrog screen is just such a pain in the ass when you need to move things around, or try to get in the back of the room. Just couldn't work for me any longer so I decided to start bending and breaking and I am glad I did. An even canopy is a happy canopy.

And Hamish, I don't have an account on the auction site there but if I create one is there any special way to pay for seeds? Just wondering how it works there. I am down to grab a pack of those if I can send cash out and don't have to figure out bitcoin or something weird like that.
The stretch don't bother me :) I actually like plants that stretch some. Saves me time in veg, and lets me have bigger plants in flower. I never much understood why people won't grow a certain plant because it stretches a lot. All you got to do is train it. Plants are so forgiving, it is amazing how they respond. Usually the branches I break end up with a huge ball swollen up where it is broke and it seems to me the buds are always bigger on those branches that I do break. It could be all in my head, but it doesn't appear that way. I love training the way I do. It lets me grow a non stretching indica right next to a 3x stretch sativa. I have tried just about everything but SOG due to plant counts and my favorite is the way I do it now (topping, supercropping/breaking, trimming lower growth etc.), with SCROG a close 2nd. The Scrog screen is just such a pain in the ass when you need to move things around, or try to get in the back of the room. Just couldn't work for me any longer so I decided to start bending and breaking and I am glad I did. An even canopy is a happy canopy.

And Hamish, I don't have an account on the auction site there but if I create one is there any special way to pay for seeds? Just wondering how it works there. I am down to grab a pack of those if I can send cash out and don't have to figure out bitcoin or something weird like that.
Yes you are very right! Scrog can be a pain in the ass when trying to get to the plants in the rear. Even more if you have a 4x4 tent. I do however like the support of weak branches, and being able to spread out the branches for more light.
littlegiant, yes it works great for that and if it works for you keep at it. But I got down the same results and don't have to have a screen up anymore. It takes some practice but I love not having the screen there. Ive done scrog in a 4x4 for a long time and I ended up cutting a hole in the back wall to get to everything. You can bend branches the same as with Scrog wherever you want them, and just break them into place instead of having the screen hold them. If they are weak branches then you will still need support. I have put hooks in the ceiling and ran string down to tie to branches, and also put stakes the bottom. This round I am even putting a tomatoe cage overtop of them as babies to see if it can give me a little more support when they get older. Maybe not, but they were cheap and easy to put over them.

I have been thinking about building a personal scrog per each plant. Putting a stand with wheels on it under each plant, then having some posts/pvc pipe come up at an angle from the bottom to widen it out, and connect them at the top and put some netting inbetween. That way I could still move the plants and have a SCROG. But lately I have been doing just as good without any SCROG by doing what I am doing so I don't think I am going to pursue that anymore but it is an idea for someone that wants to keep SCROGing, or perhaps I will use it with stringy plants like the C99.
Love that last pic,that's the way to do it..
amen there, I've only done a full male search once (umm, that came out a lil weird...)
Uhem... male plants...
anyways, it was a lot of fun, if not a LARGE endeavor, you need space, and you need to not care about yields for a yr or so...
maybe longer..
VERY rewarding though, I stumbled on some good genes, and this was back in the late 90s when there were no seedbanks/dispenseries etc..
---OK on a different subject---
I am getting three packs of Bodhi stuff from
I have two already decided on, the SSDD, and the Tree of life (I lost my jack herer, want to see if this is similar)
for the last pack I have it narrowed down to a couple, maybe you fellas can throw me some input.
goji og
blue tara
or the mothers milk?
sorta leaning towards the blue tara, but i'm on the fence sorta..
I have seen pics of the blue tara (I think it was @Mad Hamish )
So this SSDD is still drying but I put a couple lil buds outside of the dry box so I could get a lil taste.. It's so hard to describe though, its SUPER earthy and sweet but their is an underlying funk that is just so interesting it leterally makes my mouth water and defeats the cottonmouth!

No berries but there is a bitterness that is almost reminiscent of straight black kona coffee. I'm toking up the sample as I type so it's kind of progressing.. Juniper berries!! THAT is what I am tasting! Juniper berries and strong acrid bitter earth. Wow. It's even smooth dried this way. I can't wait til she is done, one or two more days and I'll start the trim job.

Deeply relaxing and instantly satisfying. It makes my lungs feel like there is a menthol component, but it I'm not detecting it in the taste. I keep sinking into the chair further and further. Indica with a really nice head surprisingly, must be a factor in why she's so popular. I'm in love.
So this SSDD is still drying but I put a couple lil buds outside of the dry box so I could get a lil taste.. It's so hard to describe though, its SUPER earthy and sweet but their is an underlying funk that is just so interesting it leterally makes my mouth water and defeats the cottonmouth!

No berries but there is a bitterness that is almost reminiscent of straight black kona coffee. I'm toking up the sample as I type so it's kind of progressing.. Juniper berries!! THAT is what I am tasting! Juniper berries and strong acrid bitter earth. Wow. It's even smooth dried this way. I can't wait til she is done, one or two more days and I'll start the trim job.

Deeply relaxing and instantly satisfying. It makes my lungs feel like there is a menthol component, but it I'm not detecting it in the taste. I keep sinking into the chair further and further. Indica with a really nice head surprisingly, must be a factor in why she's so popular. I'm in love.
Would it be fair to say you some how got some bubba kush shining through with that coffee flavor then?? Just speculation.